How To Enjoy Clean Drinking Water During A Power Outage

Have you considered what happens to your water after you use it? Even after the water has been used, you could still be wasting money by not treating your water properly. Wastewater can come from basic day to day activities we often don’t think about such as washing and flushing. 

However, this water waste needs to then be treated before reaching bodies of water such as rivers.

How Is It Treated?

Residential waste is treated at various sewage treatment works where it is repeatedly filtered and treated to be able to flow into natural bodies of water again. If it wasn’t treated, the sewage could cause lasting environmental damage due to the presence of bacteria and chemicals. 

This is why it is so important to ensure that you are disposing of day-to-day items correctly. This includes habits such as not flushing products like cotton buds and sanitary products down the toilet, but instead bagging them up and binning them with other waste. 

Industries that deal with a lot of chemicals or potentially harmful materials, may require alternative treatments. If this could apply to you, it is worthwhile contacting a professional, such as Castle Water, who can advise you on what treatment may be the most suitable for your needs. 

Some of the industries that will require further treatment include agriculture, pharmaceuticals, textiles, distilleries, and construction due to the types of chemicals and materials they will be using. 

The treatments that may be required for industries needing solutions include chemical treatment, odour control, filtration, and oxygenation, amongst many more.

How Can You Save Money?

For businesses, where possible try to identify where natural drainage occurs for surface water which can be on areas such as fields, as you should only be charged for waste that enters the sewer system. You could also reduce your chargeable area’s size to cut the costs of surface water drainage.

The easiest process to implement at home and in the workplace is to avoid wasting water. Avoid using half loads on dishwashers or leaving the taps running or dripping are simple ways to cut the cost of your water bill. Why does your water bill matter for wastewater? The reason being is that your wastewater charge is also based on your meter reading for your water bill. 

If you also set yourself a management plan for your wastewater, you can anticipate and identify weaknesses and areas for improvement for how you manage water waste. It is worthwhile tracking what happens to your wastewater and then planning your finances for the treatment. 

Final thoughts

Overall wastewater needs to be managed properly so that it can benefit the environment and save you money. Depending on your industry, you may be dealing with chemicals, large amounts of waste, or potentially hazardous materials. 

Therefore, these must be treated properly, so speak to your water management company to determine the best solution. Although it might seem like just another thing to sort out, it’ll definitely be of benefit to all parties in the long run.

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