The Different Types of Diamonds Used in Jewelry

There’s a reason why the diamond industry is worth an estimated $26.7 billion. For centuries this precious stone has been associated with love and marriage. It’s hard to imagine sacred ceremonies like engagements without diamond jewelry.

However, despite the popularity of diamonds, many people are unfamiliar with the different types. If you fall in this category, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll break down the different types of diamonds used in jewelry, both on a technical level and a consumer one. Let’s get started!

The Different Types of Diamonds From a Technical Viewpoint

Typically, when people shop for diamonds they pay attention to things like the cut, color, carat, and clarity of the stone. While these are good grading attributes from a consumer standpoint, they don’t tell that much about the scientific attributes of the stone.

As such, professionals have developed a technical system to distinguish between the different types of diamonds.

This helps them find out things like how the diamond was formed, whether or not it was treated, and its authenticity. In this section, we’ll briefly go over these different classifications.

Type IA Diamonds

These types of diamonds have large clusters of nitrogen found in the stones. These huge pockets of the element lend the diamond a yellowish hue. There are many subsections in this category in terms of how the nitrogen is arranged.

This is the most common type of diamond. As such, they aren’t worth as much as the rarer ones.

Type IIA Diamonds

Unlike Type IA Diamonds, these Type IIA Diamonds have no traces of nitrogen in them. This provides them with incredible fluorescent properties. These types of stones are very rare.

When they’re found, they’re often in strange shapes. This is from the intense pressure that’s required to form them. Since they’re so rare they’re also the most expensive diamonds that you’ll find on the market.

Type IB Diamonds

Like Type IA Diamonds, Type IB Diamonds also have nitrogen found in them. However, the difference is that the nitrogen in Type IB Diamonds is scattered evenly throughout the stone. This differs from the clusters of nitrogen found in Type IA Diamonds.

Because of the scattered nature of the element, these types of diamonds tend to have a more intense color. In addition to yellow, they can also contain hints of orange and brown.

Type IIB Diamonds

The final type of diamond classification is Type IIB Diamonds. Like Type IIA Diamonds, these stones have no nitrogen found in them at all. However, the difference is that they contain trace amounts of boron.

This provides them with a blue and gray hue that’s missing from the clear illustriousness of Type IIA. On top of that, the boron also means that they’re able to conduct electricity. These types of diamonds are quite rare.

The Different Types of Diamonds Known By Shoppers

The technical classification of diamonds is helpful for scientists and professionals. However, it doesn’t do that much good for the average consumer. As such, in this section, we’ll break down some of the more common types of classifications you can expect to hear when shopping and selling.

The first is the natural diamond. This is likely what comes to your mind when you think of a diamond. It’s colorless, sparkly and it’s mined from the earth. Because it’s 100% natural it also costs quite a bit of money.

Next, there are treated diamonds. These are natural diamonds that have been enhanced by scientists and jewelers. This can make them brighter than certain natural diamonds.

It can also make them any color that the person wants. However, because they aren’t natural they tend to cost a lot less than traditional ones. Next, there are natural colored diamonds. These diamonds come in different colors than the clear shine of natural diamonds.

However, the difference is that they haven’t been enhanced using technology. There’s been a huge demand for these types of diamonds lately. Some of the popular colors include yellow, black, red, green, blue, purple, pink, and violet.

The last type of diamond is a man-made diamond. In recent years scientists have discovered how to create diamonds in a lab setting.

These types of diamonds are just as lustrous as natural diamonds. The only difference is that they cost a lot less and they’re more ethical (since miners don’t have to work in dangerous conditions to find them).

How Do You Find Out What Your Diamond Is Worth?

While diamonds last forever, the same isn’t always true for love. As such, you might find yourself in a scenario where you want to sell your diamonds. However, it’s important to be careful if you find yourself in this position.

There are many buyers out there who are all too eager to take advantage of you. They might do this by underselling in terms of what your diamonds are actually worth.

So, if you want to get the most out of your stone, then we recommend getting it appraised by a professional. This will tell what classification your diamond falls under, which will in turn give you an idea of how much it’s worth.

From there, you can decide on the best option for buyers. We recommend checking out this guide if you plan on selling diamond jewlery. That way, you get your money’s worth out of the exchange.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn more about the different types of diamonds. As you can see, there are no shortages of diamonds to choose from. These days, you can pay a little more to get the real thing, or you can save some money by going with the more sustainable, man-made option.

Regardless of which option you choose, the person you care for is bound to love whatever precious stone you get for them.

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