5 things you should follow for a Consistent Skincare Routine

When you are a young parent, taking care of yourself and your child can seem like an impossible task. Not only do you have to go through the sleepless nights, the crying, and all the responsibilities that come along with parenting, but now you also have Psoriasis after giving birth.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by thick, red patches or lesions covered with white scales. These lesions often itch and can be painful to the touch.

Psoriasis occurs when your immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells in some regions of your body—most commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet. It can also appear in other areas where creases or folds in the skin.

What causes Psoriasis?

No one knows what causes Psoriasis. But research has shown that it is likely caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental triggers.

Can Psoriasis affect children?

With medical advances, more and more children are being diagnosed with Psoriasis. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most older teens have mild cases of Psoriasis that can be managed with topical medications. It means your child may require medical treatment even into adulthood.

If you struggle with this skin condition at a young age, there are ways to manage it while still caring for your little one. 

Here are a few helpful tips that young parents can follow to manage their Psoriasis while still being able to focus on their children:

1. Manage your stress levels

Stress is a massive trigger for Psoriasis, and when you’re stressed about taking care of a new baby, it’s even worse. It won’t come as a surprise; everyone knows that stress isn’t good for your health.

To deal with this, find ways to relax. It can be anything from meditating, exercising, taking hot baths, or long walks. Many people prefer to do these activities while listening to soft music or enjoying a cup of tea—whatever makes you calm and feel relaxed.

2. Speak to your doctor about topical medications

Many prescription medications can help control psoriasis. It’s essential to speak to your doctor or dermatologist before trying any over-the-counter treatments, as they won’t always work the same way. Prescription creams and ointments can be beneficial to manage mild Psoriasis.

3. Cover up your Psoriasis to avoid embarrassment and irritation

Psoriasis can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, which is why many people with the condition don’t even like to wear clothes that expose their skin. One option is to wear clothing made from cotton or silk since they permit air to get through. Remember to source top fabrics for psoriasis-prone skin because they protect the skin from overheating and itching.

Even though it can be very uncomfortable, try to avoid scratching the affected area as much as possible. Scratching can cause patches of Psoriasis to become infected, so it’s best to keep your nails short and clean.

Many people also can use psoriasis garments to cover their skin. Under your clothing, these specially designed psoriasis garments are made from soft, breathable fabrics that wick moisture away while still preventing friction. Using a garment can keep your skin clear and help you avoid irritation—which means less pain and fewer flareups.

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, which can help control your psoriasis symptoms. Running or biking are excellent ways to lower stress levels and strengthen the body’s immune system at the same time. Also, make sure you’re getting enough rest each night for your muscles to repair themselves.

5. Eat a healthy diet to boost your immune system

Your Psoriasis probably won’t improve if you don’t make changes to your diet, so try eating foods that are high in vitamins A and C. Seafood is an excellent source of vitamin C. At the same time, kale, bell peppers, oranges, papaya, spinach, and tomatoes are all excellent sources of vitamin A. Also, it’s a good idea to avoid coffee and chocolate, both of which can lower your immunity levels.

Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water per day, as this will help flush toxins from your body and loosen dead skin cells that may have been weighing you down. In addition, taking certain supplements can be helpful for some people with Psoriasis. Fish oil, evening primrose oil, zinc, and vitamin B12 are all commonly used supplements that benefit those living with Psoriasis.

If you’re looking for something more long-term to deal with the root cause of your psoriasis symptoms, it may be time to consider a detox. By cutting back on or eliminating alcohol, caffeine, and certain foods from your diet, you’ll be able to give your body an ultimate break.

Don’t be afraid to help your family as necessary. If you’re feeling stressed out and exhausted, take it easy and ask for help around the house. Everyone, including your children and friends, should be able to understand why Psoriasis may cause you to feel overwhelmed. Just know that by taking the proper steps, you’ll always have the upper hand when it comes to managing this condition.

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