Have you ever had a canker sore? Canker sores are tiny, shallow, and unpleasant ulcers in the mouth’s lining. Mouth ulcers of this sort are the most prevalent and felt by most people on the insides of their mouths or their cheeks. Usually, canker sores appear yellow or white, with a ring of red, irritating soft tissue surrounding them. A few days before the sores show up, you might feel a tingling or burn on the inner linings of your mouth.

There is no known cause of most canker sores, but it is a known fact that they aren’t contagious and can’t be transmitted through saliva. Some conditions, such as weak immune system, dehydration, allergies, stress, and even medicine, might set them off. They may also come from accidental biting. However, they appear seemingly at random.

As per this great post to read, most people get canker sores at least once in a while, and some of them suffer from it regularly with tonsils. There are ways to ease pain, speed up healing, and keep infections at bay. If you’re suffering from these horrible ulcers, you may find some relief with the following treatment options:

  1. OTC Medication

You can apply over-the-counter (OTC) treatments to the canker sore, mainly in a gel or a paste form, right on top of the sore. It can prevent your sore from stinging with spicy or acidic food. You can also cover the canker sore with an OTC patch or bandage. These cling to the inside of the mouth and protect the ulcer from getting infected by food or drink. Additionally, using an OTC mouthwash can help keep the area clean while relieving any discomfort or pain.

  1. Salt-Water Rinse

You can treat mouth sores with a tried-and-true home remedy: saltwater rinsing. Doing so may help in the drying of canker sores. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a half-cup of hot water.
  • Swish a few of this solution, then spit it out.
  • Repeat as often as necessary.

If the symptoms have become unbearable, rinsing the mouth with a salt solution shouldn’t be a substitute for sound medical advice.

  1. Honey

Honey is well-known for its ability to fight bacteria and ease inflammation. Researchers found that honey efficiently reduced the size and redness of canker sores in a study conducted in 2014. It may also help to keep a second infection from happening. It is recommended that you use honey four times a day on the sore.

However, most of the honey in your grocery store has been heated to a very high temperature, killing most of its nutrients and making it less effective for canker sores. So, look for honey that hasn’t been pasteurized or filtered so that it preserves its healing qualities.

  1. Ice

Because the cold can numb the pain and discomfort associated with a canker sore, sucking on ice cubes or applying them directly to the sore can help alleviate symptoms. However, always partially melt the ice cube’s surface before using it on ulcers. Otherwise, the ice may stick to your mouth, further irritating your ulcer. You can do this method when you unintentionally irritate the ulcer by drinking or eating acidic foods.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

It has long been believed that apple cider vinegar (ACV) alleviates many conditions, including canker sores. ACV can kill the bacteria that irritate sores with its acid content. Canker sores can be caused or worsened by acidic foods, making the treatment controversial. So, it would be best if you use it with caution.

Using this method, mix one teaspoon of ACV with 1 cup of water. For 30 seconds to one minute, swish this mixture in your mouth. Once you spit it out, wash your mouth with water. You can repeat this every day.

ACV can be applied directly to canker sores using a cotton swab. Some may benefit from this approach, while others may experience additional pain and irritation. Rinse your mouth afterward with water to prevent tooth enamel damage.

  1. Vitamin B Complex

There is no clear explanation for how vitamin B-12 treats canker sores. Yet, one study found that participants taking 1000 micrograms of vitamin B-12 a day experienced fewer outbreaks of canker sore and less pain than those taking a placebo.

Additional B vitamins might also make a difference. Still, consult your doctor before taking vitamin B complex supplements daily.


It’s common for canker sores to be painful and irritating, mainly if they occur often. You may be able to avoid problems if you keep track of when they occur and what triggers them. Meanwhile, use these options to ease discomfort. Knowing over-the-counter medications and natural cures may allow you to treat ulcers and canker sores as soon as they arise.

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