A Guide On Keeping Your Home A Comfortable Temperature


A home that’s too warm or too cold isn’t comfortable, no matter how many padded seats or fluffy cushions you fill the place with. Temperature plays a huge part in how comfortable we are in our homes, so you need to pay attention to it.

Here you’ll find some of the different ways you can manage your home temperature. It doesn’t matter if your home is too hot or too cold, you’ll find useful methods for keeping the temperature comfortable below.

If you’re here, you’ve probably already considered electronics that can help with the situation. For example, fans are great for cooling the air and redistributing it across your home. Certain models can even circulate warm air. You can find quality fans at sites like https://www.crompton.co.in/pedestal-fans/.

Ideal Home Temperatures

Before we can even start recommending ways to take care of your home temperature, you need to know which temperatures are normal. The home temperature will depend on your local climate and which season you’re currently in but knowing general room temperatures can be useful. The best we can give you is a range of temperatures that your home should fit into.

So, what is that range? 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit should have most people’s homes covered. That’s 18 to 23 degrees for those who work in Celsius. In winter, you can expect the temperature to be at the bottom end of this scale while summer temperature should be the opposite. In both cases, 70 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a happy medium by many.

With that said, rooms aren’t made equal. Different rooms will have different temperatures due to the equipment and material used to make those rooms. Rooms upstairs tend to be warmer, for example, because heat rises. A basement, on the other hand, is typically the coldest part of any home.

How To Keep Cool

Turn Off Your Appliances

A lot of residual heat is created by the appliances in your home. The lightbulbs you use can determine home temperature, so go for green lightbulbs that don’t waste heat. Even when on standby, your electronics are still on and likely sending heat into the surrounding environment. Turn them all off and keep necessary appliances spaced out, so they can vent their heat away.

Don’t Cook Inside

A hot kitchen will warm up your home in record time. If you have a backyard and a grill, make use of that to keep your home cool throughout the day. You can even make it a social gathering for friends and family, too.

Make Yourself Cool

In dire cases where you can’t make your home cool, you can at least make yourself cooler. Here are some temporary fixes that can see you through any heatwave. First, stay hydrated and drink cold drinks often. You should also wear clothing that’s ideal for hot temperatures, so clothes with short sleeves in bright, white colors.

How To Keep Warm

Thick Curtains

The doors and windows are where the most temperature bleeds from the home. You have more windows than doors, so let’s tackle those. Thick, insulated curtains are great for keeping the heat inside your home when they’re closed. The thicker the curtains the better, but thicker, higher-quality material will also be more expensive to buy. For a more immediate solution, shower curtains made from PVC should still work too. You can also place these curtains in front of doors to stop heat loss.

Use Tin Foil With Radiators

One of the surest ways to make your home warmer is to turn the radiators on, but you can also make them more effective. First, don’t place any furniture in front of the radiators so that heat can make its way into your room.

Since radiators are rigged to walls, some valuable heat gets lost through absorption into those walls. You can stop this by placing tin foil behind the radiator, which reflects it into the room. Kitchen foil will do too, so you likely already have the solution you need!

Limit Airflow

You should limit the airflow across your home when managing its temperature. Keeping the doors and windows of your home bolted tight can work but you also need to pay attention to how air circulates within the house.

Close off unused rooms. Heat will gather in some rooms over others, which will then form cold air environments that will spill out and lower the overall home temperature. Stop this by closing doors that aren’t being used.

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