What Treatment is Carried Out at Ayurvedagram for Helping People with Depression?

Sadness, anxiety, and a feeling of worthlessness in daily activities are all common emotions for everyone. However, if they persist and significantly impact people’s lives, the problem may be depression. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability globally.

Adults, teenagers, and children are all susceptible. Because depression affects everyone differently, ayurvedic treatment for depression varies from person to person. According to Ayurveda, depression is classified into three categories, each of which is treated differently.

How does dosha correlate to depression, according to Ayurveda? 

It all relies on your dosha or the energy type that makes up your essence; these energies determine an individual’s make-up, how they feel and react, and how their brains and body parts are linked. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three mind-body kinds. Pitta from the gut, Vata from the colon, or Kapha from the stomach might enter the circulation and lodge in the nervous system, compromising its performance.

Kapha: Depression is produced by an imbalance of Kapha, in which the electrochemistry of the brain has an unpredictable hypersensitivity (imbalance of Vata), leading to a loss of enzyme activity in the metabolism (imbalance of pitta).

Kapha can produce heavy feelings, gloom, worry, anxiety, and mental and physical stagnation, leading to hopelessness and melancholy. Depression can also be induced by Pitta disease, in which allergies and metabolic breakdown can disrupt brain chemistry. Mood swings and despair can result as a result of this. A Vata imbalance can also cause depression. Sramana / Unmadam is the diagnosis for the ailment.

Pitta: Depression is sometimes a Pitta condition. Allergies, and thus a breakdown in metabolic processes, can also disrupt mental wellness. This can result in significant mood fluctuations, with depression being one of the outcomes. When Vata is not functioning properly, it might be a source of depression.

Finding a strategy to lessen pitta depression in your lifestyle is the key to beating it. This should be achievable if relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation are practiced. Other options include avoiding foods that are very hot, zesty, or light. Instead, choose mild, dry, and cooling foods such as beans, oats, potatoes, and most veggies.

Vata: If your food or daily routine involves an excessive amount of data, you will undoubtedly feel Vata-type depression. Shock, trauma, or loss can all lead to this mental health problem. Among the symptoms of Vata-type depression are:

  • Easily moved to tears
  • Sleeplessness
  • Unpredictable mood fluctuations
  • lowered libido
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Being fidgety
  • Weight loss and decreased appetite
  • Aching joints and a headache
  • Talking too much.

To address this type of depression, avoid Vata-inducing diet and lifestyle choices. Along the same lines, try to avoid crude food varieties and harsh, astringent, and robust flavors. Cooked foods with salty, sweet, and sour flavors should be favored instead.

Ayurveda has the answer to many disorders that affect either the mental processes or the physical self. Depression is a psychiatric condition that manifests itself not only in the mind but also in the body. Herbal remedies, detoxification, and revitalizing techniques that nourish and strengthen the mind are all part of the ayurvedic treatment for depression. This helps in treating depression.

Ayurveda provides a very excellent treatment for depression that has no harmful side effects and can be used to avoid it. It promotes improved psychological wellness. These medicines not only restore the body’s balance, but they also gradually significantly increase the level of inner peace.


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