Common pest control mistakes & how to avoid them

Rodents, cockroaches, ants, spiders, mosquitos, silverfish, and other pests are common in Irvine. The moment you notice the first signs of pests is when you have to step in and act. If you are wondering where to find experts for the situation, check the website of any top pest control company in Irvine. In this post, we are discussing some common mistakes related to pests and how you can avoid them.

#1 – Waiting it out

Many assume that pests are seasonal and will disappear eventually, which is a myth. Insects and rodents can reproduce fast, and the infestation will only get worse with time to come. In fact, keep an eye on telltale signs like droppings and gnaw marks.

The solution: Get a pest control service to check your property and find the type and extent of the infestation.

#2 – Not investing in preventive measures

Another common mistake is assuming that your home doesn’t need an inspection because there are no immediate signs. Your first step should be about preventing an infestation, for which frequent checks and precautionary steps are critical.

The Solution: Ask the exterminator if they offer a yearly pest control plan and regular services.

#3 – Trying DIY ideas

You may have seen influencers on social media managing to get rid of pests using simple tricks and kitchen essentials. These mostly are bait videos and do not work. Pest control is not some one-time thing or a DIY project you can do on your own.

The solution: Let the experts do the job, and if possible, insist on getting a warranty on the contract.

#4 – Choosing a random pest control company

You don’t want to work with an exterminator who has zero regard for safety or doesn’t have credible experience in the field. Unfortunately, consumers are often interested in getting the lowest quote and end up choosing local services that have no credibility.

The solution: Do your homework when checking for pest control. Ensure the company is licensed, known, and has insurance. If they offer green pest control, that is always an advantage.

Final word

When eliminating pests, you should always team up with a service that cares for safety, your needs, and the environment. Not all situations demand the reckless use of pesticides, and it is always better to consider more ethical and less toxic means to keep your home free of pests. Make shortlist of top pest control services in Irvine today. 

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