How to know if your child is faking sleep

With the advent of smartphones and digital devices, parents have stepped up their duties in monitoring the child’s sleep schedule. But with all this technology available, how do you know if your child is really sleeping or just fake sleeping? The age-old method of monitoring a child’s sleep patterns still works, but the internet is making it easier than ever to find out whether your child is asleep or just faking it.

The Reasons Why Kids Fake Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, about 8% of children aged 4-8 years old suffer from insomnia. This type of sleep disorder is said to affect 9 million children across America and affects 3 million American children annually.The causes of insomnia are varied and can include a variety of factors, such as family issues, medical issues, birth circumstances, etc. But one thing that most families experience is the disruption of children’s sleep during the school week. But sometimes kids choose to fake sleep and they do not have any real sleeping issues.  Simply put – “fake sleeping” is a term that comes up in the homes of families who often times finds children staying up late on their own accord. You must check out the toddler nap schedule as it might be the reason for faking sleep.

Your kid could be faking sleep because it is fun and amusing for them. Many children like to pretend they are asleep so they can run around and play. They may also do it to get your attention when they are hungry or tired. However, there are some precautions you should take in case your kid is taking fake sleep.

The Answers to Telling if Your Child is Faking Sleep

As parents of teenagers, we know that kids will do almost anything to get their way. We celebrate when our kids go to sleep at night and set an appropriate sleeping schedule. But what if your child is not getting the sleep he needs? If you suspect fakery in your child’s sleep patterns, it’s time to pay attention. Check out these five methods that your child may be using to fake sleep from website

  • Fake Snoring – check to make sure it is real
  • Deep Breathing – is it too deep?
  • Covering Their Head – every so often, you just need to check.
  • Facing the Wall – this may be a way to deceive you because you can’t see.
  • Fake Sleep Talking – you will have to watch if this is something they do normally.

What to do If Your Child Is Not Sleeping Yet

Sleeping problems are very common, and if you have a child under the age of 10, it’s highly likely that he or she is experiencing some sort of sleeplessness.  Now the first thing you need to do just to make sure that their sleep is fine, is make sure they are both in good enough physical health to be able to go to bed and back without issue. Of course, this goes without remarking that they also should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids such as water or milk before and after bedtime so there will be no dehydration. Also, you may want to try changingtheir bedding to something more comfortable, a soft material may help.


It’s hard being a parent. But all parents want the best for their children such a good sleep. It is a small thing, but it can make a big difference for your child’s sleeping habits. You want protect your children and make sure they are as healthy and active as possible. Becoming familiar with the different safe ways to make sure your kids are actually asleep can go a long way toward ensuring this. Make sure your remove any distractions such as smartphones, games, and television.

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