You know how vital it is to provide your subscribers with the most acceptable content possible if you’re an email marketer. You’ve been utilizing your analytics to figure out when and how to distribute the content. You’ve most likely spent many hours working out how to make sure every email looks great on both mobile and desktop platforms. You may think you’ve got it all sorted out, but are your emails accessible to everyone?
Most marketers fail to optimize their emails for proper accessibility, alienating some of their readers and negatively hurting digital marketing results. Or, to put it another way, most marketers overlook email accessibility optimization because they are unaware of the benefits and how it affects their marketing campaigns.
By not fine-tuning your email accessibility, you not only miss out on a significant number of prospective consumers by sending non-accessible emails, but your email marketing campaign may not be abiding by the law.
Here is a list of six easy strategies you should use in your email template production to make it more accessible.
1. Add Language Code To Your <HTML>
You should add language code appropriate to the target region since some of your intended audience may have a visual impairment and use screen readers to read emails. You’ll need to include a small bit of code that identifies your email’s language to let screen readers know what language your email is written in to ensure that the pronunciation is correct. Setting up localization in your ESP allows you to dynamically supply the language code.
Make use of semantic coding for your business email template. While some HTML elements (such as <span> and <div>) determine how the content will appear, semantic coding aids in defining the content’s meaning. <summary>, <figcaption>, <time>, and <footer> are a few examples of semantic tags. Semantic codes help provide a better user experience to your readers.
2. Make Sure Your Pictures Include ALT Tags
Image ALT tags are crucial not only for screen readers but also if the user’s image display setting is turned off or if the user has a poor internet connection. If you don’t include ALT tags inserted in your business email templates, your subscribers may not be able to see the photos in your emails. Furthermore, if your image contains critical information that is not accessible or understandable by screen readers, your entire emailing effort will be a waste of time. Make sure you set the ALT tag anywhere you have an image in your email code and that the wording matches the text on the picture. At the same time, if there is text on the image, the ALT tags should mention it.
Otherwise, the image’s URL will be read aloud by the screen reader, disrupting the email’s content. A variety of tools are available to evaluate your alt tag.
3. Hover Effects May Be Added To CTAs, Links, And Clickable Pictures
CTAs, links, and clickable pictures are essential components of your emails since they direct the reader to the next step. You don’t want them to go undetected as a result. To show that the text or picture is clickable and will lead you to a new page, you should use hover effects on CTAs, links, and clickable images. Including this easy interactive feature in your emails may make them more interesting and boost click-through rates. Color fading of pictures, color change of CTA buttons, pop-up tabs, and more are all examples of the hover effect.
4. Emojis Should Be Used With Caution
We understand that experimenting with typefaces and emoticons may be entertaining, but do they truly add value to your content? Subject lines featuring emojis, believe it or not, tend to have a greater open rate. However, an emoji should never be used instead of a real word; instead, it should only be used at the start or end of a subject line. If you think emojis add value to your email, incorporate them, but keep in mind that not everyone will see them. At some point, that is certain to happen, and the same is true for photos. You can strive to suit every sort of user, but flexibility will be required at some point, and that’s fine.
5. Make Sure Your Font Type And Size Are Correct
Consider the font size of your text and how simple it will be to read when developing business email templates. Maintain a minimum of 14 pixels as font size for desktop and 16 pixels for mobile devices. These are the most common sizes, which guarantee that readers will not struggle to read your emails and that your elements will not get distorted if they must zoom in.
When it comes to clicking links in your email, the size of the text (and maybe the amount of whitespace) counts. Because the displays on mobile devices are small, it might be difficult to hit the correct location for the link.
Many typefaces, especially on mobile screens, are excessively close together or exceedingly difficult to read. Keep things basic in this section. Arial, Tahoma, and Calibri are examples of sans serif typefaces that are a safe bet.
6. Make High-Quality Content A Priority
The fundamental objective of every email is to offer useful information to your readers and encourage them to take action. Not only do you want your material to be as simple to read as possible, but you also want to make sure that what they’re reading offers value. If a subscriber thinks you’re wasting their time by sending them meaningless material (among 126 such emails,) they’ll unsubscribe or, worse, label your emails as spam. On the other hand, excellent material may help you develop trust and deepen your relationship with your readers.
Summing Up
It’s critical to check your emails for design accessibility to ensure that your content, promotions, and resources are available to all types of people in your database. We live in a world where modern technology is always evolving to make life simpler for a wide population. Incorporating these suggestions into your business email templates will make them more comprehensible and user-friendly, and improving your email accessibility will broaden your client base.
Author: Kevin George is the head of marketing at Email Uplers, that specializes in crafting Professional Email Templates, PSD to Email conversion, and Mailchimp Templates. Kevin loves gadgets, bikes & jazz, and he breathes email marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts on email marketing best practices on email marketing blog.