Connecting people to machines would have been possible without programming languages. The tech world is advancing rapidly and so are programming languages. These languages play a crucial role in harnessing the power of computing in an easy way. Of course, AI is expected to take over many industries in the world. It has enabled many online businesses like casinos to provide quick withdrawals in Finland and globally. However, there are languages that are on the verge of dying due to the AI revolution. These programming languages are:
LISP is one of the oldest programming languages in the world, having been developed in 1958. It’s a fully parenthesised prefix notation language invented for Artificial intelligence work. However, this language is rarely used; no wonder it’s en route to self-destruct. Though developers are not using LISP directly, they borrow general-purpose LISP stand-alone implementations in their work.
Many developers recognize and use Perl for running various activities. This high-level, general-purpose language has several versions, including Raku, the latest. Perl is used in web development, network programming, text manipulation, and more. The reason many experts think that this language will die soon is its slow loading speed. Developers are opting for other modern and faster languages like Python and Ruby.
C is a widely-used programming language, especially in developing system applications. Though C is among the top 50 languages, many leading organisations like Microsoft are opting for other options. The cost of maintaining systems created by C and C++ languages is high. Also, vulnerabilities are higher compared to other modern languages. It will take longer for the C language to die because it’s the core language of almost every organisation.
Haskell is a general-purpose language that has proved essential to many programmers. It stands out for having intuitive features like shorter lead times, maintainable codes and higher reliability. The problem with the language is that it’s complicated and requires a lot of time to learn. The reason Haskell may die soon is that the latest version was released around 10 years ago. This means that it lacks modern features that new languages have.
Augusta Ada Lovelace is another high-level programming language and one of the oldest in the industry. The best thing about this language is its built-in support for explicit concurrency, synchronous message passing, and others. Moreover, it has unique features like modular, object-oriented, and readable. Nevertheless, we can say that this language is dying because its latest version was updated in 2012.
The R language is used for statistical computing. This language covers a wide variety of statistics like linear and nonlinear, time-series analysis, clustering and graphical techniques. Despite the exclusive features, experts think that this language is destined for destruction because of the popularity of Python.
There is an ongoing debate on which programming language will disappear soon. The ever-changing technology has contributed significantly to the death of many languages that are unable to cope with the trend. Nevertheless, it may take a much longer time for some of the languages to die because of the role they play in organisations.