Imagine: What if the Internet could, as if by magic, show you precisely the information you needed in exactly the format you wanted, even before you even knew what you were looking for?
It would undoubtedly be a very different, maybe even desirable (if a little creepy) Internet experience. And yet, very soon, thanks to Web 3.0, the next version of the Web, this could become a reality. With the changes that Web 3.0 brings with it, the Internet is becoming brighter as it is characterized by the ubiquity of artificial intelligence. All the world’s data is combined into the so-called semantic network.
Web 3.0 is the next stage in the evolution of the World Wide Web. Over the past few years, terms associated with Web 3.0, such as blockchain and cryptocurrency, have already become very popular. As with previous versions of the Internet, companies and business owners must have a complete understanding of what this new version of the Internet is all about.
So, in this article, we will look at what Web 3.0 is, how it works, and what its pros and cons are; if you already know these, then go to FINPR and start your cryptomarketing journey today!
What is Web 3.0
The concept of Web 3.0 is that there is a decentralized version of the Internet.
A decentralized version of the Internet means that the Internet is not controlled by any one technology giant but by a network of participants with millions of devices connected together in an open network.
Web 3.0 was created using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the semantic Web and uses all these technologies to process and interpret information. To ensure the safety of information, Web 3.0 uses blockchain technology.
Key Features of Web 3.0
● Web 3.0 Open
Web 3.0 is called “open” because it is created by developers using open-source software and is available to the public, allowing existing applications to evolve faster and new ones to be created.
● Artificial intelligence is widely used in Web 3.0
A combination of different technologies (like semantic Web, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning) is used to help computers better understand the strands of information through intelligent intelligence and produce faster and more personalized results.
For example, natural language processing has grown from simply performing tasks such as autocomplete or spell checking to the ability to read, understand and extract meaning from words and phrases, as well as speak. Voice assistants such as Alice or Siri have been using this technology for the last decade.
● Web 3.0 is semantically organized.
The idea behind the Semantic Web is basically to categorize and store information in such a way as to “teach” an artificial intelligence-based system not just to look for keywords or numbers but to understand what specific data means. Websites can understand words in search queries just as a human would, allowing them to create better content and share similar content with other users.
● Web 3.0 uses 3D graphics.
Three-dimensional design and virtual spaces, such as the Metaverse, are crucial elements of Web 3.0. 3D graphics in Web 3.0 are being used to create entirely new levels of immersion not only in the gaming industry but also in other industries such as real estate, e-commerce, healthcare and many others.
● Web 3.0 has unlimited networking capabilities.
Thanks to Web 3.0 and semantic metadata, information is becoming more interconnected. People can access Internet services and content anywhere at any time from any number of devices.
● Web 3.0 is based on blockchain.
In Web 3.0, blockchain technology protects and encrypts user data as well as their information, which prevents the theft of users’ personal data for the purpose of sale by various organizations and third parties.
● Web 3.0 supports cryptocurrency.
This is also one of the key features of Web 3.0, which is expected to essentially replace the “fiat currency” issued by government-owned central banks.
Cons of Web 3.0
Vulnerability of integrated data and high risk of hacking and fraud. When an account is hacked, all personal data and confidential information of a person can be controlled, including Facebook account, email, PayPal, bank account, smart home technology and much more.
Difficulty of using dApps and high cost of entry for users. Many dApps will take a lot of work for new users to understand. In addition, the barrier to entry into the world of cryptocurrency is relatively high. This means that new web resources may only be available to wealthy people or those who are willing to take very high risks.
Web3, the Metaverse and other emerging technologies can have an adverse impact on people’s mental health. The Metaverse, along with its expanded version of reality, can be addictive beyond that of social media use. As a result, people may have unbalanced and unrealistic expectations for their lives and compare themselves to other users in unhealthy ways. Some metaverse users may even prefer to spend more time in the virtual world than in the real world, which can lead to social isolation, financial difficulties and even paranoid ideas.
Web 3.0 – good or bad
The main thing to remember is that no artificial intelligence can or should replace humans! It is intended only to simplify some work processes in order to free a person from routine and to help make the user experience on the Internet better, and all this should be created so that a person has additional time to create. You shouldn’t blindly trust every web service that appears just because it suddenly becomes popular. First, evaluate which web service will be helpful, efficient and convenient for you.
Which web resource you will give your preference to and whether you will, in principle, use Web 3.0 services is up to you to decide. The right to choose is always yours!
In this article, we looked into the latest world of Web 3.0 for you. You may not be delighted with it, but it is simply necessary to know about the existence and active development of the new generation of the Internet. We hope you have learned interesting facts and drawn certain conclusions.