11 Ways To Spend Less

The intention to spend less when shopping is always there, however things don’t always go to plan. Below are some tips to keep you on track. If you run into a financial emergency and cutting back the grocery shop isn’t quite enough, visit Loanza.co.uk to find out more about short term loans.

1 Prepare a List :

Prepare a list and make sure you stick to it. Know the items that you need before you head into the grocery store and don’t be tempted to make impulse purchases once you are inside.

2 Choose Store brand:

Opt for the store brands when possible. When you are choosing between two items, a name brand or the store brand, the store brand will pretty much always be the cheaper option.

3 Take decision smartly when choosing organic food:

Don’t make your whole list organic. For sure, it is good to purchase some things organic (for instance, those on the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen), but when you are looking at packed things like chips and cookies you really are not going to get a massive nutritional difference. Do not fall into the premium trap

4 Buy Day to day items a bulk:

Use lentils, beans, rice, and the likes to bulk up your meals. You will get more portions for what you cook.

5 Go for Mid Expire Date

Don’t put food that is at its ‘best by’ date into the trash. The way food smells and looks is the best guide (of course, the likes of infant formula is an exception here). Regarding ‘best before’ dates, the USDA states that this is just an indicator of when the food is likely to be at its absolute best quality.

6 Buy According to your Pantry:

Check your pantry before you go. This will stop you from buying items that you already have in your fridge or freezer. It will also help you to decide on what you will cook during the week (we will discuss this more in a moment)

7 Do know your Fridge Capacity

Take a quick picture of your fridge and freezer. If you tend to forget things easily then a quick snapshot of your fridge and freezer (with the doors open, of course) will jog your memory when you are in the shop as to whether you need to purchase more chicken, rice, and so on.

8 Do work on freezer inventory.

If you feel like the photoshoot for your fridge and freezer is a bit much then at least keep a freezer inventory.

9 Plan Your Weekly meals

Yes, you need to plan your weekly meals. Use your freezer inventory and the information you gathered when you were taking stock of what is in your pantry to prepare a weekly meal plan. Use what you have instead of filling your kitchen with more food.

10 Plan your daily meal

Prepare your meals. Have the veggies chopped, the eggs boiled and the chicken roasted on a day that suits you, for instance, a Sunday afternoon), that way, you have things ready to go during the week. If you have already done the prep work you are more likely to enjoy a homecooked meal instead of running to the takeaway, this can massively save on waste. An even easier solution is something like vancouver meal prep, controlling your budget for the entire week and saving time.

11 Take time while preparing meal plan

Have a few days off. When you meal plan, have a few days spare rather than planning for every single day, this will allow you to change plans without wasting food.

Final Verdict:

We research, plan and make this 11 ways so that you can lead a affordable daily life. Hope you find it helpful. And do tell your friends and family about it and share it more and more.

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