4 Major Signs and Symptoms of Menstrual Period

It is a common sight to find women complaining about their menstruation. Most men say that women are difficult to understand. But if you see it from a far, you will discover that even women sometimes fail to reckon what they want at a particular moment. This is because there are certain phases in a month when women go through PMS (Premenstrual syndrome).

PMS is the signs and symptoms that women experience a week or two before their actual period starts. Multiple types of research say that around ninety percent of women go through PMS. Few observe minor symptoms while some experience severe ones.

Who will you blame for this? Women? No! Women are themselves complaining about the unpleasant physical, mental and emotional changes their body goes through during PMS. These signs only stop after a day or two of their regular periods.

So, let’s try to know these symptoms that help women to predict that their period is on the way.

  1. Cramps

This is the most common sign found among women. They are called abdominal or menstrual cramps in a layman language. Its medical name is primary dysmenorrhea.

These cramps usually start a week before your period and last for several days after the beginning of your period. The adversity of these cramps varies from person to person. Few women get bearable cramps but some women get extreme abdominal cramps that even act as a disturbance in their daily routine.

You will feel these cramps in the lower abdominal region. But, if it lasts longer, you’ll also be able to feel it in the lower part of your back and upper thigh region.

So, what is the meaning of these cramps?

These menstrual cramps occur when the inner lining of the endometrium is shedding. This means there is no pregnancy. Shedding of the endometrium takes place by uterine contraction and as a result, you get these cramps. The cramps are very severe for women with heavy blood flow.

  1. Breakouts

When a woman is about to menstruate, you’ll find the skin getting oily and sudden breakouts of acne. This usually occurs a week before the period date. You’ll be able to find these breakouts on the face, jawline, chin, back, or any other part of the body. This is a result of hormonal change.

When a pregnancy doesn’t occur, the level of female hormones i.e., Estrogen and progesterone decrease. On the other hand, the level of testosterone (male hormone) increases. This activates the sebaceous glands in the body which produce sebum that makes the skin appear oily. When sebum is produced in large quantities, you’ll be able to find these breakouts. They go away once your menstruation process is completed.

  1. Mood swings

This is the most disturbing symptom of a menstrual cycle. While women are PMSing, they get so many mood swings that are not even in their hands. These emotional problems like depression, anxiety, and anger take over a person’s sanity.

Are women responsible for this? The answer is No. This is only a result of fluctuating levels of female hormones i.e., estrogen and progesterone.

The feel-good endorphins and serotonin production is based on the estrogen level. So, when estrogen decreases in the body, you don’t feel good. This is why depression and anxiety strike in.

When progesterone decreases, you’ll find yourself crying for no reason and become overly sensitive to any issue. These mood swings also diminish with your periods.

  1. Bloating

A few days before your periods, you might have observed slight difficulty in putting on your pants. This is because of PMS bloating. Because your hormonal level is changing, your body retains more salt and water. Most times, the worst bloating effect is observed on the first day.

You’ll feel like you have gained weight when actually you haven’t. Women experience relaxation from this effect after two or three days of periods.

Over to you…

If you have severe symptoms, consult a doctor. Try to use menstrual cups Australia so you don’t have to leave the bed every now and then when you’re already under so much pain. You can also seek relief from it through some home remedies.

However, remember that PMSing is a common phenomenon and most women experience it during their menstrual cycle.

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