4 tips to beat insomnia and sleep better

Most of the adults have been seen not to have adequate sleep as they require. Regular sleep disruption is the major cause that contributes to insomnia. Insomnia affects your mood, quality of life, health, work performance and saps your energy.

The studies state that the most common symptoms of insomnia are anxiety, depression, irritability, difficulty in keeping focus, daytime tiredness, waking up too early or during the night, difficulty in sleeping, and falling asleep.

Tips to beat insomnia

Changing sleeping habits, adjustments in routine and lifestyle ensure that everyone gets the required and appropriate quantity and quality of sleep. If this routine cannot be adopted then you have to buy sleeping pills UK for the required sleep.

Some of the tips to beat insomnia are mentioned below:

  1. Sleep Schedule

It is very important to have a sleep schedule that means sleep and wake up at the same time every day irrespective of being a weekend or a holiday. This makes it easier for your body to have a set routine and then you get to fall asleep at the night at the same time conveniently. In fact, the mornings are more refreshed otherwise. But it should be strictly noted that the routine is followed even on weekends and holidays or else this would again confuse the body clock.

  1. Avoid caffeine or Alcohol

People always tend to consume caffeine to have an energized day. But create an alert, this same cup of coffee may hinder your sleep at night. In fact, it creates a vicious circle, you tend to drink more coffee after a sleepless night, and then at night time, this same coffee keeps you awake.

Coffee is supposed to have its impact for 6 hours. So it is advisable to drink coffee, soda, or tea six hours before bedtime.

Alcohol hinders your REM sleep that is the restorative required to sleep for your body. Though Alcohol makes you feel drowsy, it does gives you unfocused, groggy mornings. The diuretic impact of alcohol on the body also makes you wake up early or again and again.

  1. Exercise and medication

Activities during the daytime reduce the stress hormones which give you sleepless nights. Regular exercise during the day keeps you active and promotes deep and sound sleep at nights. However, it is also important to keep your workout wrapped up before 3 hours of bedtime. This is important for the body to get relaxed and bring down the adrenaline levels, body temperature, and heart rate.

Many of the medicines such as that for asthma and high blood pressure do have a severe impact on your night-time sound sleep. These medicines may sometimes contain stimulants or caffeine which hampers deep sound sleep. With the advice of the doctors, the doses can be adjusted or can be changed to reduce sleeplessness.

  1. Electronic gadgets

Electronic gadgets such as laptops, iPods, iPads, cell phones, television should not be strictly used in the bedroom. Studies have proved that these gadgets when used after hitting the pillow suppress the release of melatonin in the body which provides sound sleep. Also, the blue light from the screen time disturbs the brain and confuses to assess the activities or association with the bed. Therefore the electronic gadgets should be restricted to use at least half an hour before bedtime and also preferably kept outside the bedroom.

Final Thoughts

Inculcating good sleeping habits do have an effect on the body and brain of every individual and that provides deep and sound sleep to the person. Reading stories, relaxation, meditation is some of them. But if still, it does not work then it is essential to consult a doctor and assess the problem.

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