8 Salmon Fishing Tips That Beginners Must Know

The Pacific Ocean is home to the largest fishery in the United States, which is estimated to employ more people than all other types of fishing combined. This is due to the fact that salmon fishing is a major source of food for several coastal states, including California and Washington. Salmon fishing is a popular pastime in these states, so it is critical to observe specific guidelines to ensure a safe and successful trip.

It is a team activity, and catching those gorgeous salmon requires a large number of talented individuals. We’ll go over some of the tactics you can use to capture more salmon.

Use eye-catching bait.

To attract the fish, make sure your bait has something dazzling on it. As previously said, salmon like low illumination conditions, therefore they are drawn to something showy in dark and deep waters.

Make Use of a Proper Salmon Landing Net

Landing salmon with a standard net is extremely difficult. Always use the correct size and shape of net when landing salmon. Salmon nets should be 15 to 18 inches and oval in shape, according to Outdoors Activity, for catching large salmon fish.

Choose the best place.

Even if you follow all of the advice above, you may be out of luck if you do not choose the proper place. The trick is to know when fish are migrating in a certain location and to arrive at the appropriate moment.

Consider using a red line.

When it enters the water, the first color that fades is red. The color red can vanish in as little as 15 feet of water, implying that the line will be invisible to fish at his depth or deeper. It should be noted, however, that sockeye salmon can detect red.

On open water, use a different approach.

Salmon like to head into the oncoming wave and will be more likely to see your lure if you fish well with tide rather than against it.

When the sky is cloudy, go fishing.

Overcast days will be more productive for salmon fishing since salmon like low illumination conditions. Fishing at night or early morning is also an excellent choice since it provides the best light conditions for salmon. If you must go out on a bright day, you can still catch salmon, but they will be less active and in deeper water.

Use sharp hooks

If your hooks are dull, catching salmon will be tough. Salmon have a thick mouth, which might make hooking them more difficult. You’ll have a higher chance of success if your hooks are razor sharp.


Salmon fishing is a fantastic sport, but it is not for everyone. There are some safety precautions you may take to ensure a safe and enjoyable salmon fishing experience.

  • Your life jacket is the most vital piece of boat safety equipment if you are fishing from a boat. Make sure that each passenger wears one as well for maximum fishing safety.
  • To fish for salmon, bring extra safety equipment such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cell phone or radio.
  • While Salmon fishing when not in use, keep angling knives sharp as well as cover the blade.
  • While Salmon fishing when baiting and removing hooks, exercise extreme caution.

That’s all for now. I hope the above salmon fishing tips will assist you in catching larger fish on your next adventure.

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