What comes to mind when you hear ‘attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)’? You should probably know there are plenty of misconceptions about this kind of disorder. Some think that it’s not a real problem. Others assume that people diagnosed with this condition only need to try harder, while others believe that all of them are hyperactive. But all of these are wrong myths that you shouldn’t think of.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a brain disorder where hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and inattention are evident. It’s commonly diagnosed during childhood, but it can remain indistinguishable throughout adolescence and the adult stage. Moreover, boys are usually more diagnosed with this disorder than girls.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is the term used in the past for this kind of disorder. Although some individuals still use the term ADHD and ADD interchangeably and recognize that a person has ADD if he has issues with focus and not hyperactivity, ADHD is the proper term for the condition according to the latest version of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Overall, if you or someone close to you is diagnosed with ADHD, it would be ideal to do your research about its treatments to help them cope effectively. One of those treatments is using a brain-boosting nootropic supplement that you can find online.

Signs And Symptoms

Before we dive into ways of managing ADHD, it’s essential to know the symptoms (each grouped into three types) that can be evident in people diagnosed with the condition.


  • Has issues with sitting still
  • Blurts out answers before questions are completed
  • Fidgety with their hands or feet or are squirmy when seated in a chair
  • Has a problem with playing silently
  • Talks excessively
  • The person is usually ‘on the go,’ as if ‘driven by a motor.’
  • Runs around or climbs excessively (in children) or is restless (in adults)


  • Are easily distracted
  • The person doesn’t seem to listen
  • Misplace things
  • Find it challenging to organize things
  • Don’t follow directions or finish tasks
  • Forgets about regular activities
  • Tendency to daydream
  • Lack of attention
  • Prone to make careless mistakes
  • Aren’t interested in doing things that require sitting quietly

Combined ADHD

  • Usually characterized by the symptoms of both types

Symptoms Of ADHD In Adults

ADHD can persist into adulthood. However, do note that symptoms can change because of this. Here are some adult symptoms of ADHD that you should know:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Issues at work
  • Impulsiveness
  • Substance misuse or addiction
  • Often bored
  • Relationship problems
  • Mood swings
  • Procrastination
  • Anxiety
  • Easily frustrated
  • Problem with managing anger

How To Manage ADHD

After knowing what ADHD is and its symptoms, it’s time to learn how to manage it. However, it’s important to note that it can’t be cured or prevented. But knowing it early on, along with having the proper treatment and education strategy, can significantly assist in managing its symptoms.

There are various ways to manage ADHD. But research suggests that the ideal approach to managing the symptoms for many kids is by using a multimodal strategy. It consists of different methods of treatment that work as one. A lot of ADHD symptoms can be controlled by medications and therapy. A close partnership between doctors, teachers, therapists, and parents is also crucial.


Therapies for people who have ADHD focus on adjusting behaviors. Some therapies that they can undergo are:

  1. Social Skills Training
  2. Behavior Modification
  3. Psychotherapy
  4. Special Education


Medications used to treat ADHD fall under two categories: stimulants and non-stimulants. They work by raising the levels of the brain’s neurotransmitters which minimize the usual symptoms such as hyperactivity or inattention. However, not all people with ADHD can benefit from using medications. And it may take some time before finding the appropriate one.

  • Stimulants: These are the most regular type of ADHD medications, and they function by enhancing focus and reducing distractibility. It works by increasing the chemicals in the brain, such as norepinephrine and dopamine, that are responsible for sending messages across various neurons.
  • Non-stimulants: This medication is an alternative if stimulant medications fail to do their job. It addresses impulsiveness and hyperactivity, insomnia, and emotional dysregulation. Likewise, this drug can take up to a week before it becomes truly effective and may require some adjustments to find the proper dosage.

Other ways to manage ADHD include attending support group sessions, using medical devices specifically designed for the condition, and using natural remedies such as having a healthy diet and making clear routines.

Wrapping Up

ADHD is a mental health disorder where a person exhibits impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, or inattentiveness. Boys usually have this disorder more than girls. ADHD can be categorized into three types, each with its symptoms. And so, a person can get inattentive without being hyperactive, be hyperactive without being inattentive, or become a mixture of both.

Though it can’t be completely cured or prevented, there are ways to control the symptoms of ADHD. It could come in the form of medications or therapy. Overall, keep the information above to understand this mental health condition and be more ready if you have a close loved one with such.

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