Basic Rules for Transferring a Business Call

Proper business practices can have a positive effect on your customers and clients. Transferring a call is more than just a business issue.  Proper business ethics can have a positive impact on your customers and clients. Transferring a call is more than just knowing which buttons to press on your network. The business code that you and your employees use every day is a direct reflection of your business. You can either present a professional image or the missing one. Whether your employee is a CFO or a temporary employee answering the phone, make sure everyone in your business is up to speed on how to transfer a call professionally.

Explain why you need to divert the call

People can forgive many things, but rudeness in the workplace is not one of them. Explain politely why you need to transfer the call. It could be that the caller has reached the wrong department or the wrong extension in the correct department.

Another reason for transferring a call could be that only another department can answer the question or have sufficient authority to decide what the caller is looking for. Regardless, make sure callers know precisely why their call needs to be diverted, so they think you are not just passing the money.

Give your information first.

Only give your callers your name and extensions if you disconnect. It lets them know that you are personally concerned about their situation. You also want to avoid situations where the caller is disconnected and start over from scratch and explain the situation to another company representative.

It would help if you also told the callers the name of the person or department you are transferring them to and provide the phone number. No matter what business you are in, everyone is in business with good customer service. Read more about business ethics network and issue here:

Ask permission to start the transfer.

Once you have contacted the caller, ask the caller to start the transfer. This request also allows callers to ask some other questions or express other concerns. It also allows visitors to say they will call back when they have more time.

Sometimes a caller does not want to be transferred. If so, find out why. Next, explain that the move would ensure that they receive assistance as soon as possible. Also, explain that you are giving the next representative all the information about their call so far. They do not have to explain their position again.

Wait for an answer

Do not divert the call blindly as soon as you hear the other phone ring. Wait for the other party to answer and explain why the call is diverted. This step allows the following employee to prepare for the call and prevents the caller from explaining their situation or problem again.

Make a presentation

Go back to the caller and announce the name and department you are transferring them to. Thank the caller for his patience and ask if you can do something else for them before you hang up. It helps if you can use the first or last name of the person to whom the caller is being transferred. It strengthens the personal connection you have established and further creates the feeling of a successful call.

Complete the transfer

Complete the transfer by connecting the interviewee to the other person or department. Remember to end the connection by hanging up or disconnecting the headset. Since telephone systems can be complicated, especially in large companies, you want to make sure that you have completely disconnected from the call. If you are new to the job, it pays to try a few times with a co-worker before making a call.

How to end the call

There are several reasons to end a call once you have contacted the caller. But whatever the reason for you, no matter how legitimate, you must take care of yourself in a professional manner. The most common reason for ending a call is that you have come across a long-standing speaker – someone who will spend too much of your time and prevent you from doing your business.

Another less common reason is that the boy uses abusive, threatening, or rude words. Unfortunately, people with anger management problems feel that they can put their hatred on strangers, especially those in the service industry or service. Consult your company’s policies and procedures on how to handle these types of situations to avoid legal consequences. And remember, it’s always better to put the caller on hold while you seek advice than to say something you might regret later.

Importance of a protocol

The phone is often your customer’s or customers first contact with your business. You want that experience to be the best it can be. Mostly you do not want customers to hang out and ring in your competition, so it’s worth the time to train your staff in the proper protocol.

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