Basic Tips for Successful Yoga Classes

Yoga may be practiced in as many different ways as there are individuals who do it. Here are some fundamental tips to help you ground and prepare for the inevitable rush, as well as to guarantee that you are well-positioned to properly communicate the lessons of live virtual yoga class.

  •  Make certain that your technology is operational.

Prepare by doing several dry runs with your pals to ensure that they can see and hear you via the platform of your choice before going live for real. Take your time and go through each process numerous times, even creating a full checklist, to ensure that your mind is free and comfortable.

Every time you change your software or hardware, you should go through the same testing procedure. A minor tweak anywhere in your broadcasting setup has the potential to completely transform your broadcasting experience.

  • Make an investment in a high-speed internet connection.

You may improve the quality of your internet connection by working with your service provider and purchasing boosters. You may be teaching from home for some time, so make the necessary preparations.

Given that it’s doubtful that you’ll become an expert in video compression and upload speeds, choose for the most expensive plan you can find with a minimum upload speed of 3Mbps, but keep in mind that 13Mbps is suggested for better quality video.

  •  Make an investment in high-quality audio equipment.

It is true that the quality of your camera is important. The quality of your sound is far more important now than ever before. Airpods are a really good option, although they have a mixed track record of durability and are prone to falling out.

  • Reduce the amount of pressure that is applied.

Every yoga instructor is familiar with the slight cranky pants attitude that occurs before conducting a class. This sense of being crammed into the present moment is accompanied with an odd lack of availability for anything else.

There is a bizarre vata-disorienting emptiness in place of students coming up to class, where physical contact might assist to relieve our self-centered performance anxieties and allow us to be present in the moment. You may ground yourself and open yourself to the thrill and mystery of the scenario by letting out a few deep, loud sighs with an open mouth.

  • Make a connection with the people that turn up.

Despite the fact that you are looking at the camera on your laptop, tablet, or phone, your live virtual yoga class pals are there with you, participating in the creation of the moment. Intangibles like laughter and groans at your jokes will be absent, and you will not be able to detect whether someone is suffering since the harmonic is non-existent. It will assist you to tune into and react to the counsel of the group that has assembled to practice together if you address your virtual community by name.

It may seem strange at first, but establishing direct eye contact with the camera can make your at-home audience feel more attended to.

Additionally, having a yoga certification will also help you gain more customers knowing you are running a business as a yoga instructor. Being a certified yoga instructor can gain people’s trust that you know what you are doing and what are must and must not in yoga. If you don’t have a certification, there are a lot of places that provide 200 hrs yoga teacher training with a certificate.

  • Make eye contact with the camera

Turn, twist, and adjust so that your students behind the camera lens can see what you are doing. For example, if you are doing a difficult task with your hands behind your back such as a bind, wrap, or press – turn so that we can see what you are doing.

  • Encourage students to attend your courses with enthusiasm.

For most yoga instructors, this is the least enjoyable aspect of their job.  When it comes to building a virtual following, it is critical to be dedicated and consistent with your routine. Make sure you are very clear about your time zone. Individuals should be invited individually.

  • Encourage others to do the same.

When it seems like everyone is going Live, it might be difficult to avoid the feeling of being competitive. Look for chances to cooperate with your other yoga instructors, to promote each other’s courses, to attend each other’s classes, and to enjoy this new terrain as a community. Perhaps you could hold some chats and discussions with other instructors and exchange tales from the field to help your field grow.

What are the benefits of teaching yoga online?

When compared to teaching yoga in person, there are several advantages to teaching yoga online. For starters, teaching online is far less expensive than teaching in a real venue, and it may even serve as a supplement to your physical sessions.

The additional advantages include increased scalability and cheaper operating expenses. As a result of moving online, you are no longer restricted by your geographic location or physical space, and you are no longer need to pay rent; you are able to serve the whole market.

Online lessons provide you the freedom to teach anywhere and whenever you choose, regardless of the number of students.

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