As a medical device, the Vein Finder is designed to help locate veins on humans for purposes of drawing blood or administering fluids. However, it is not officially cleared for use on animals.

Nevertheless, some veterinarians have started using the tool on their animal patients with promising results. But is it really okay to use this device on animals? Let’s find out!

How does the Vein Finder work?

The Vein Finder uses near-infrared light to make veins more visible. It does this by shining a light on the skin and then looking for the absorption of that light by hemoglobin, which is what gives blood its red color. The device then converts the information into an image that can be seen on a screen.

Is it Okay to Use Vein Finder on Animals

There is no easy answer to this question. While the device has not been cleared for use on animals by the FDA, that does not necessarily mean that it is unsafe. The fact that some veterinarians are already using it suggests that it may be worth considering for certain cases.

There are certain points that clear it to be used on animals such as:

  • The device is not inserted into the animal
  • The light that the device emits is not harmful
  • There is no electrical current involved
  • The device is only used for a short period of time
  • There is no invasiveness involved

Still, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before using any new medical device on an animal, just to be safe.

Drawbacks of Using Vein Finder on Animals

There are also some potential drawbacks to using the Vein Finder on animals that should be considered. For example:

  • Animals can move around more than humans, making it difficult to get a good look at their veins.
  • Also, the Fur of some animals may make it difficult to see the light emitted by the device. In these cases, it may be best to shave the area around where the IV will be placed before using the device.
  • Another potential issue is that some animals have darker skin, which can make it more difficult to see their veins. In these cases, it may be best to use a different method of vein location, such as palpation.
  • Finally, it is important to remember that the Vein Finder is not designed for use on animals. As such, there is always a possibility that it might not give 100% efficient results when using it on an animal.

How to Use a Vein Finder on an Animal

If you’ve decided to use a Vein Finder on an animal, then you must make sure to follow the proper steps in order to do so safely and effectively.

Here is the complete guide for you to use the device on animals:

  1.     Choose the right size device for the animal. The device comes in different sizes, so make sure to select the one that is appropriate for the animal you’ll be using it on.
  2.     Place the device on the animal’s skin and turn it on.
  3.     Adjust the light intensity until you can see the animal’s veins clearly on the screen.
  4.     Once you have found a good vein, mark the area with a pen or marker.
  5.     Remove the device and prepare to insert the needle into the animal’s vein.

Use caution when using the Vein Finder on animals and make sure to follow all the proper steps in order to do so safely.

Remember, the device is not designed for use on animals and there is always a possibility that it might not give 100% efficient results.

Consult with a veterinarian beforehand to get their professional opinion and always err on the side of caution.

Precautions While Using the Device on Animals

It is always better to be safe than sorry, so there are certain precautionary measures that should be taken while using the device on animals.

Some of these precautions include:

  •       Do not use the device on animals that are pregnant or might be pregnant.
  •       Do not use the device on animals that are younger than six weeks old.
  •       Do not use the device on animals that are sick.
  •       Do not use the device on animals that are injured or have open wounds.
  •       Always consult with a veterinarian before using the device on an animal.

By following these simple precautions, you can help ensure the safety of the animal and yourself.

Which Vein Finder is Best to Use on the Animals

While there may be many brands of vein finders for humans, not all of them will be suitable for animals.

It is important to choose a device that is specifically designed for use on animals. One such device is the AimVein Vein Finder.

The AimVein is a handheld, portable device that uses infrared light to locate veins in animals. The device is easy to use and comes with clear instructions.

It is also FDA-approved, which gives pet owners peace of mind knowing that the device is safe to use. AimVein is a good choice for those who are looking for a reliable and safe device to use on their animals.


Q: Can the Vein Finder be used on animals?

A: While the device is not designed for use on animals, it can be used on them with certain precautions. Always consult with a veterinarian beforehand and take necessary precautions while using the device on animals.

Q: Are there any animal-specific vein finders?

A: While there might not be any brand that states it is specifically for animals, there are some brands that make devices that can be used on animals as per the expert’s recommendation. One such device is the AimVein Vein Finder.

Q: Why is it important to take precautions while using the device on animals?

A: The Vein Finder is not designed for use on animals and there is always a possibility that it might not give 100% efficient results. As such, it is important to take necessary precautions while using the device on animals.

Q: How can I ensure the safety of the animal while using the device?

A: By following some simple precautions, you can help ensure the safety of the animal. Some of these precautions include not using the device on animals that are pregnant or might be pregnant, not using the device on animals that are younger than six weeks old, and not using the device on animals that are sick. Always consult with a veterinarian before using the device on an animal.


So, we hope you found this article helpful in understanding whether or not the Vein Finder can be used on animals. While the device is not designed for use on animals, it can be used on them with certain precautions.

Always consult with a veterinarian beforehand and take necessary precautions while using the device on animals. By following some simple safety measures, you can help ensure the safety of the animal.

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