The most common cause of hair loss in men is male-pattern baldness, which is genetic and related to hormones. It typically shows up as a receding hairline with thinned hair on the head. Your doctor can make this diagnosis based on the pattern and intensity of your hair loss. However, other conditions can also cause thinning and balding.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Both men and women experience hair loss mainly because of androgenetic alopecia. This disorder, often known as male pattern baldness, is characterized by slow-moving (receding) hairlines on the scalp. It can start at any age after puberty and usually progresses to a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the frontal area and vertex of the scalp. Androgenic alopecia usually results from a combination of genetic predisposition and hormones, including testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. These chemicals are converted by the enzyme five alpha-reductase to DHT, which has a stronger affinity for androgen receptors and causes hair loss.

Studies show that many balding men are dissatisfied with their appearance. It can decrease quality of life, as a significant percentage of balding men feel they look less attractive than their non-bald counterparts. It can lead to emotional distress and depression. It can, in turn, impact social functioning. Procedures for hair restoration and other aesthetic plastic surgery can be done with PRP hair restoration New York.


Stress can shock the hair follicles and disrupt the normal growth pattern, rest and shedding. When the body endures severe physical or emotional stress, a condition known as telogen effluvium usually develops within a few months. The situation is temporary and typically grows back once the follicles relax.

Before diagnosing, your doctor will examine your scalp and assess your symptoms. A hair loss doctor NYC can advise you to try a topical treatment or take drugs that stop hair loss and encourage growth as a treatment. Men with hereditary-pattern baldness might try minoxidil, while premenopausal women might use hormones such as estrogen or spironolactone. Certain psychiatric conditions can also cause bald spots. Your healthcare provider might prescribe a combination of treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and habit reversal training, to help you overcome your urges. Your doctor works with experts in other professions to make sure you get the treatment you need if the findings of diagnostic tests show an underlying medical problem as the reason for hair loss. Several treatment options offered by a hair loss doctor NYC can be utilized to reduce hair loss and promote new growth.

Lichen Planopilaris

Scarring alopecia, or lichen planopilaris (LPP), affects the scalp, skin, and mucous membranes. It appears as tiny, lacy patches of white dots. It also causes thinning and redness on the scalp and may lead to hair loss. LPP can also cause red spots and itching in the mouth and damage the nails or genitals. It’s unknown what causes it, but experts believe it to be an autoimmune disease in which your immune system mistakenly assaults good cells for harmful ones.

A doctor can diagnose LPP by physical examination and asking about your medical history. They may also order a skin biopsy and trichoscopy exam. They may prescribe medication to treat symptoms and reduce inflammation. These drugs can include corticosteroids, retinoids, antimalarials, and low-level laser therapy. Long-term oral medications like azathioprine, ciclosporin, and methotrexate can help control the condition by lowering your immune system activity. Isotretinoin is another medication that can be used in some cases.

Hair Shaft Abnormalities

Hair shaft abnormalities are defects that alter the strength of the strands, causing them to become brittle and difficult to comb or style. They may be congenital or acquired. The hair follicles have inner and outer sheaths that shape and protect them. The hair shaft contains germinative cells, a matrix that supports the hair, and pigment (pigment) cells. The post is keratinized and formed from a protein called collagen.

Hair shaft disorders can occur due to various factors, such as genetic mutations and medical treatments (including steroids and isotretinoin). Some diseases are also associated with anorexia nervosa. A condition known as bamboo hair or trichorrhexis invaginata occurs when the hair shaft is structurally weak at particular points along its length. Harder adjacent segments of the hair shaft impact into these softer portions and cause the “bamboo” appearance seen on the scalp. The disorder can be treated with dietary supplements, including biotin. This condition is often observed in patients with trichothiodystrophy, an X-linked disease caused by mutations in the SPINK5 gene encoding the copper-transporting ATPase.

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