Advantages & disadvantages of double glazed windows

Getting repair quotes

Residents of old houses often want to know how to replace a glass unit. This is a rather complicated procedure that requires confirmation from many authorities. The value of your house will decrease, and the appearance of the city will suffer. Therefore, it is best to do a repair. Only an experienced specialist can determine if it is possible to restore your windows. If the deformation is small, you can keep the existing glass unit.

Contacting Chameleon-Decorators will be a rational solution. The company provides a wide range of services aimed at the restoration of windows. The pricing policy is loyal, but you will have to pay more for a complete window replacement than for repairs. Therefore, you should think about restoration before deciding to install a new window.

Difficulties during maintenance

The impossibility or difficulty in opening flaps is a widespread problem. You will not be able to ventilate your room, as your window will not open to the required level. And if there is a fire or other situation that requires leaving your premises urgently, you expose yourself to enormous danger.

Most often, windows do not open for the following reasons:

  • dried paint on the hardware or frame;
  • deformed structure;
  • walls of the house move over time.

A refurbishment should be enough to restore the functionality of your glass unit. Otherwise, you will have to replace your window.

Moisture ingress and high noise levels

Many people want to strengthen their sound insulation system. This is because their apartment becomes too noisy from street sounds. It can be screams of children in the playground, barking of dogs passing by, or movement of cars on the road. To restore silence to every room, it will be enough to install new soundproofing.

If you notice that your window sill is wet after the rain, then it’s time for sash windows renovation. Excessive moisture leads to deformation of wooden structural elements. This is the most common problem of single-glazed windows.

To avoid your frame getting swollen, additional glazing should be installed. First, deformed parts are restored, and the frame structure is strengthened. After that, it is possible to check and replace the fittings. When another glass is installed, you can enjoy the comfort in your home to the fullest.


Wooden frames can decay, which leads to rot in cracks. You should pay close attention to natural wood windows to ensure proper maintenance. If you don’t remove dirt, moisture from glass and frame in a timely manner, you will need timber windows restoration just several years after installing them.

If you have double glazing, your frame is in great danger. If there is a slight deformation in the wood, it will lead to the accumulation of condensation between your glass panes. Your house will become colder in winter and hotter in summer – the air will quickly penetrate into your premises. Therefore, hurry up to contact the specialists who will help you with sash window repair.


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