Dust disease cases

Dust disease usually develops over time and evolves to fatal illnesses and terminal lung damages. In Australia, permanently disabled workers can be financially supported and their economic loss and medical expenses can be compensable. According to Johns Hopkins University, among the most common work-related dust diseases, ‘’popcorn lung’’, which is usually due to diacetyl, and ‘’brown lung’’, which usually appears out of cotton and fibre dust, are the most frequent ones. However, in Australia, the number of impairments due to silicosis and asbestosis are unignorable. With the increasing usage of electronic cigarettes on daily basis, along with the workers, all other members of our community are also vulnerable to diacetyl related lung injuries. However, workers of specific industries are in the highest risk group for silicosis and asbestosis diseases. The signs of these diseases are usually intense cough and shortness of breath. In case if you notice these signs and have a work history with similar fibrous materials, you should immediately seek medical help. Silicosis and asbestosis might cause permanent lung disease and threaten one’s capacity to work as well as their health. Withstanding the difficulties came out of dust disease can be overwhelming. For this reason, you can claim dust disease compensation to ease your suffering.

Workers in the risk group and most common dust that causes disease

Commonly, stone cutting, commercial construction and logistics workers are exposed to asbestosis, silicosis and other dust diseases more frequently than others. However, the eligibility for dust disease compensation is not limited to the workers of these industries.

Workers that are exposed to dust are usually unaware of this situation as these dust particles are almost unseen. Standard face masks are unable to protect the workers from the dust in micro forms. Therefore, workers should be provided with industrial grade face masks for full protection. If the employer resisted providing a safe work environment for their workers, he or she might be charged with intentional negligence.

Dust might cause disease in many forms and the fatality of these dusts depends on the substance. While some dust such as pepper and coffee are non-hazardous, metallic, chemical and mineral dust can easily develop serious health conditions. Chemicals such as chlorine, mercury and titanium are classified as toxic chemicals and can develop the disease and the signs for these diseases are likely to be noticed in a shorter time. While the symptoms of silicosis and asbestosis take many years to appear. Asbestosis can be caused by inhaling unseen particles from fibres and slowly develops into major lung disease. Asbestosis is mostly encountered in construction site workers and mass cargo warehouse workers. Immediate treatment for silicosis should be started as silicosis can easily develop any other disease such as tuberculosis.

Claiming dust disease compensation

Dust disease compensation claims are among the most complex personal injury cases as diagnosing these diseases requires your work history, working conditions, medical history, several tests and information on early stages of treatment after the first symptoms. For this reason, the process should be handled professionally. Silicosis and asbestosis are lethal complications and immediate action should be taken following the diagnosis to avoid progressing any further harm. It would be advantageous to hire a dust disease compensation lawyer to keep yourself away from the progress as much as possible and focus on your treatment. The compensation you may receive might include lump sum payment secure your future. The biggest benefit of hiring a dust disease lawyer is that they will battle in the court to maximise the compensation to eliminate any further financial difficulties for you in the future.

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