Getting The Facts Right About Abortion     

The word “abortion” has a lot of different connotations; however, the same general idea is usually agreed upon by most people. If a woman or a couple chooses to have an abortion, they terminate their pregnancy.

There are two opposing sides: those who support abortion and those who oppose it. However, there are plenty of opinions in the middle that don’t consider themselves as either pro-life or pro-choice.

This article will not touch on the moral issues surrounding abortion but rather the actual facts from a medical perspective.

What Is An Abortifacient?

An abortifacient is a drug, and an abortion describes a procedure, physical intervention, or drug treatment that has the potential to terminate a pregnancy.

Abortion-inducing drugs are used to induce abortions, usually by making the womb and uterine environment inhospitable to an embryo.

If you are a woman who has an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with terminating your pregnancy. If you are considering an abortion, speak with professional doctors, such as an abortion clinic sydney physician staff.

Plan B and Emergency Contraceptives: Are They Abortificants?

As mentioned above, medicated pills are used to induce abortion. These usually contain a progesterone-like substance and sometimes a synthetic hormone called estrogen. Such drugs are used for medical abortions where the pregnancy is not viable and for contraception.

Emergency contraceptives like Plan B or Ellaette contain the same progesterone-like drug as an abortion-inducing pill. They also have an extra chemical that blocks a specific receptor on the egg, which prevents it from being fertilized by sperm.

The difference here shows that the emergency contraceptive is not an abortifacient.

What Are Laws Regarding Abortion?

Abortion laws can vary between different states and countries. In the United States, abortion is usually allowed in cases of rape, incest (if the woman has been abused), or if a woman’s health is in danger, but state laws do vary quite a lot as to whether abortion is legal for other reasons.

Unfortunately, women often have to travel long distances to get abortions because they are illegal in their state. Since most people don’t live near an abortion clinic, finding one can be difficult unless you are already close.

Termination Testing

During the last decade, medical technology has created tests that can help a woman choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy that may be high risk for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities.

These procedures are usually used to find fetal abnormalities or other serious consequences that may arise from pregnancies.

One of these procedures is called amniocentesis or Amniotic fluid test (AFT).

During amniocentesis, the doctor must use a high amount of precision in order to insert a needle into the uterus and take fluid from the womb. Once this fluid is collected, it is sent off for genetic testing.

Depending on what the genetic testing reveals, healthcare providers will give out information about whether or not it would be safe for the woman to carry her child to term. If a serious fetal abnormality has been confirmed, doctors may recommend that she have an abortion or terminate her pregnancy as soon as possible.

Also, if a serious risk of having childbirth poses health risks to her or her baby, they may also suggest termination.

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