5 Key Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

How often do you really think about the state of your teeth? Chances are, you brush twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed, but that’s about it. While you need to schedule regular trips to your local dentist for routine checkups and cleanings, there are also things you can do on your own to keep your teeth healthy and looking great here’s some advice from the best cosmetic dentistry in Melbourne.

How important to take care of our dental hygiene

Good dental hygiene is vital because a toothache can make any day miserable. It’s not only painful, but it can be embarrassing too. What’s more, bacteria that get into your mouth can lead to more serious infections elsewhere in your body. But healthy teeth don’t just happen – they need proper care through good nutrition, regular brushing and flossing and a trip to your dentist at least once a year for routine check-ups. Here are some tips that will help you keep healthy teeth 

Tip #1: Keep consistent dental appointments If you want to stay on top of your oral health and avoid problems like cavities or gum disease, then set up a regular appointment with your dentist. In fact, most dentists recommend seeing them every six months or so if you want to maintain optimal oral health. Check with yours about their preferred schedule, though – some may recommend yearly visits instead. Either way, you should Check out this dentist in delray beach Florida and keep your regular check-ups. Meanwhile, for parents worrying about their child’s dental health, please consult this pediatric dentist in Embrey Mills, VA.

Tip #2: Brush morning and night Many people don’t brush their teeth as often as they should – twice a day isn’t enough! Aim for three times a day if possible. You should also use fluoride toothpaste since it helps strengthen enamel and fight plaque buildup better than non-fluoride options do.

According to The Australian Dental Association (ADA), keeping your teeth healthy involves brushing twice a day for at least two minutes each time, flossing daily, drinking water regularly, eating healthy snacks throughout the day as well as visiting your dentist for professional cleanings every six months. Taking care of your teeth doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive though; we’ve put together a few tips on what you can do at home in order to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.

Pay Attention to Gum Health

Research published in The Journal of Periodontology shows that people with unhealthy gums are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, bacterial pneumonia, type 2 diabetes, and pre-term birth. If you want healthy teeth—and a healthier overall body—start by paying attention to your gum health. At least twice a day, be sure to brush your teeth (and floss) thoroughly; try using an electric toothbrush if the manual is tough. Make sure you visit your dentist every six months for professional cleaning; during these appointments, be sure you share any new symptoms or issues you’re experiencing. Dental health is so important for our overall health that it’s worth taking extra time for good dental care now.

Floss Regularly

If you’re concerned about your teeth and gums, be sure to floss regularly. Not only is flossing a good habit for overall dental health, but it also works miracles when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Melbourne. Get in your flossing habit by keeping a pack at your desk or nightstand so you can pick up where you left off last time. A little bit goes a long way! Floss every day, before brushing your teeth—and do it for life. Flossing removes food particles that brushing alone cannot reach, as well as bacteria that lead to bad breath and tooth decay. And if you want an extra boost in cleaning power, use mouthwash with fluoride after you brush and floss. It helps prevent cavities from forming—so take care of those pearly whites! 

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can help remove bacteria from your mouth and kill germs that lead to cavities. Whether you’re flossing, brushing or using a Waterpik, make sure you are rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash afterwards. The alcohol content in these products kills off bacteria and helps you keep your teeth clean all day long. Plus, many products taste minty-fresh—another reason why they’re so popular! However, overuse of mouthwash is bad for your dental health, as it might dry out your oral tissues, increase tooth sensitivity and irritate gum tissue. Rinsing for about 30 seconds twice a day should be sufficient for most people; don’t rinse longer than recommended or use more than four times daily.

Use Fluoride Treatments

Many people believe that fluoride treatments are only for kids. It’s a common misconception, but one that can have serious consequences: without daily fluoride treatments, adults suffer from more cavities than children. If you don’t already use it, make a habit of seeing your dentist regularly so he or she can evaluate if fluoride treatments are right for you. They may also be able to recommend other ways to keep your teeth healthy, such as switching up your diet. Aim for a diet rich in whole grains and green leafy vegetables; these foods are not only good sources of fibre—which helps keep plaque at bay—but they also contain calcium, which is an important component in dental health maintenance.

Get Professional Cleanings at the Dentist

Don’t clean your teeth? No problem. Just go to a dentist once every 6 months, who will get rid of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. While you’re there, talk about how healthy your lifestyle is; it might make for a good conversation starter. For example, if you were to mention that you go running regularly or eat healthily, chances are you can also make sure that he doesn’t forget to check your gums for signs of disease too. If gum disease is an issue, we recommend dental implants so you never have problems again! This cosmetic dentistry Melbourne procedure can be done quickly—in just one visit!


Healthy teeth should be a priority for everyone, but especially for those who are beginning or starting a family. As discussed above, proper oral care habits will pay off in preventing cavities from developing and assist in keeping those pearly whites healthy. We hope that you find these tips useful and implement them into your daily oral hygiene routine. And remember… you’re never too young or old to practice great dental hygiene!

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