How Hard Water Damages Your Hair

Hard Water Introduction

A lot of people don’t realize that their drinking water can be worse for them than some medications. Hardness in the form of magnesium and calcium, these minerals are found naturally along with soil deposits from limestone or chalk rock formations where rainwater runs through to create hardstanding waters similar to what we find on earth’s surface as opposed to just being absorbed into it like normal salty oceans do while softer waters would appear clear due its lack thereof because they contain little mineral content; relative concentrations vary depending how much time has passed since formation so there will always exist ranges between very soft at 10 mg/L up till moderately hard around 60-120mgs per litre, but when looking closely you’ll see other sources.

Also Read: How Do You Prevent Hair Loss from Hard Water?

Cons of Hard Water

Hard water is an enemy to your locks. The high concentration of calcium and magnesium salts make it hard for moisture to penetrate, resulting in dryness that can lead to the more serious condition of brittle hair or even alopecia areata (thinning on top). Harder types may also worsen scalp conditions like eczema as well as color fading after getting tinted treatments such as bleach jobs done!

What Should You Do to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Hard Water?

Hard water is one of the leading causes of hair loss. There are so many ways you can prevent this, including using a shower filter or drinking pure bottled water every day! You could also try some moisturizing masks and chelating shampoos that will help cleanse your system while protecting it from more damage due to hard waters’ negative effects on our health in general. Finally, RO systems work wonders at removing minerals such as calcium carbonate, which may be hurting us over time because they’re not properly absorbing them through digestion like most other foods do when consumed raw.

A reverse osmosis system is ideal for removing water hardness. The main component of an RO unit is ion exchange resins, which replace magnesium and calcium ions with sodium ones to make your tap water softer (lesser concentrations). In addition, this type removes harmful chemicals in the process, making it safe enough even for washing hair! Shower filters also do both jobs – they soften hard waters as well purify them from chlorine gas/etc., but bottled waters have been treated, so there’s no risk whatsoever on damaging scalp or long locks due more than basic dissolved solids content restrictions like potash.

Moisturizing masks can be used to revitalize and moisturize your hair. It is best to use these after having washed them, but they work wonders if you apply them beforehand too! Natural hydrating agents like aloe vera have been found effective at locking in moisture so that the next time for water will not dry out any strands on its way down from our heads- which helps prevent breakage or damage caused by hardening chemicals such as sodium Laureth sulphates (SLES).

Chelating shampoos do an even better job than typical ones when dealing with adverse effects brought about by excess amounts of minerals present mainly due.

Hard water can lead to a variety of different problems, but one that it’s particularly hard on your hair is trying to prevent loss. By using natural alternatives like vinegar or lemon juice in place for shampoo and conditioner, you’ll find yourself with healthier strands than ever before!

Whole House Filter Recommendation

Wholehouse water filters are necessary for removing the harmful contaminants in your drinking. Contaminated water does not only affect how you feel when bathing or washing hair; it also affects overall health and quality of life by making people sick with things like stomach bugs, cholera etc. Not to mention that these pathogens can enter via contaminated taps too! There’s no need for worry anymore, though, because Waterdrop whole house filtration systems which will make sure various types of nasty stuff stay out, so there is absolutely no risk whatsoever from this standpoint-and if anything good was needed, then simply add some Reverse Osmosis units afterwards once desired level has been reached.

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