How Long Does It Take for a Personal Injury Claim to Settle?

Did you know that you have the right to ask for payment from a company as compensation for personal injury? This means that the potential payout percentage for a successful claim usually runs between 15% and 25%.

If the sum you expected to be earning is only a little bit more than the amount you paid to the doctor for treatment, wouldn’t it be better to forget about the whole claim altogether?

Here’s everything you need to know about filing a personal injury claim if you’ve been injured at work.

Claiming From an Employer

Unlike personal injury claims brought before insurance companies, like one involving a car accident, a medical jury claims an APM/APM encompasses both medical malpractice and foreseeable direct monetary loss.

That’s because when you file a lawsuit on your own with an unbiased person, your claim is your fault. If that little detail wasn’t true before, it is certainly true now.

The risk of personal injury lawsuits seems to make a lot of sense for the person who brought suit against the employer.

Why? Because even though the lawsuit is on its own merits, it’s presenting a claim in a court of law against an individual and therefore carries the risk of the huge financial award against the party bringing the claim. However, employers bringing legal claims through the courts get favorable outcomes more commonly.

This is because insurance companies – whom most employers – have to have the right to defend against such lawsuits and do not have the resources necessary to pursue such a demand.

Further, the risk of a lawsuit is usually higher, particularly when other parties are getting involved in the case.

Remember, new personal injury claims like contracting COVID-19 at work are also slowing down the personal injury timetable.

Speeding Up Your Case

Personal injury claims can sometimes be brought in faster than an insurance company would like.

This is because the same laws which cover personal injury claims happen to be the same laws that cover strikes or agreements reached during a union contract.

Union members might well be lawyers or have spouses or children with legal expertise too. All of these things slow things down, and we need to go through the legal process more.

So, what sorts of things does a solicitor do in such a situation?

Role of Solicitor in the Settlement Timetable

A solicitor’s first role is to get the claim started by obtaining an initial timetable from the doctor, which gives the all-important doctors time to prepare and consider the claims.

The next stage is to go through the doctors’ records and medical reports to establish responsibility for the problem.

Technically, the onus is on the doctor to prove that the injury was due to an unplanned trip or accident. It is the physician’s job to decide which party is responsible.

Where relevant, the law solicitors take the parties to the hospital and get them to sign statements as to what happened.

A statement saying that you were injured by a piece of equipment falling from a building is not likely to be helpful.

If you do not wish to sign a medical statement, you can be compensated with legal advice. Not only this, but they also try to help you put the exactly right italicized statement together. This is the method followed by law firms when dealing with clients.

Remember, you may also have to pay settlement taxes as well. Be sure to ask your solicitor to clarify this.

Don’t Delay on Your Personal Injury Claim

Your personal injury claim can be a great money maker, and if you’ve been hurt badly, then you deserve it and should not feel guilty.

Be sure to inquire with your solicitor about the timetable and follow the steps they set out for you.

If you are interested in learning more about securing a personal injury claim, be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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