English grammar isn’t simple, and the materials on this page will help you gain confidence while speaking or writing in English. It will be easier for you to recall if the explanations are short and simple. The clear explanations and examples provided here will assist you in understanding how to utilise the language. Put your grammar knowledge to the test by completing the chapter-by-chapter activities for each class.

You’ll never run out of vocabulary terms to study and use because the English language is one of the most comprehensive of all languages. As a result, the time you spend honing your grammatical abilities is time spent honing your English. Whether you are looking to improve English for personal reasons, or you’re looking to pass study requisite tests with additional Sydney PTE classes, keeping on top of your grammar is an essential step along the way.

How to Practice Class 8 English Grammar

There are two types of grammar and style guidelines: descriptive and prescriptive. Descriptive guides explain how people talk, whereas prescriptive guides instruct individuals on how they should speak. However, languages vary and evolve, and English norms aren’t necessarily written in stone. 

Here’s how you can practise:

  • Children’s literature should be read 

While children’s books are not intended to be grammar textbooks, they do teach the fundamentals of language, such as basic vocabulary and spelling, regular and irregular nouns and verbs, rudimentary conjugation, and sentence structure. Children are rarely formally taught the grammar and mechanics of their native tongues, preferring to learn them by reading and listening to native speakers.

  • Read a wide range of topics

Learning how other authors use language can help you improve your grammar. Focus on reading classic literature, textbooks, science fiction, science books, biographies, blogs, essays, and articles, among other genres and types of writing. Pay attention to the structure of the phrases, the word order, the spelling, and the innovative variants used by the authors. 

Try reading aloud to gain a sense of how the phrase might sound in a conversation. While reading, keep a dictionary and thesaurus nearby. Daily, read newspapers, listen to news radio, and watch TV news shows.

  • Take note of how other people speak

Pay attention to how other people form sentences, where words go in sentences, how they utter common phrases and the terminology they employ. There are numerous rules and exceptions in English, so don’t be afraid to ask if you have any. 

To learn how sentences are created and to enhance your vocabulary, try parroting what others say by repeating it. Be aware that some English speakers, even native speakers, lack a command of the language’s appropriate syntax.

  • Play games with words and grammar

There are a variety of online games and programmes that you can download to your computer or phone to put your grammar abilities to the test in a fun way. Because these games are instructive, they will frequently include explanations for incorrect responses so that you may learn from them. Grammar lectures, practise activities, and quizzes will be available at libraries, bookstores, and online resources.

  • Every day, practise writing

Improve your grammar by writing down any new rules or terms you’ve learnt and practising them. Keep a journal, create short tales, or simply communicate with friends and family via email. Concentrate on addressing any issue areas or blunders that you make frequently. Don’t rely on grammar checkers alone. 

For one thing, they may be incorrect. Second, if you don’t correct your work, you won’t learn from your mistakes. If you use a grammar checker or proofreading service, take the time to review the adjustments made so you can figure out what went wrong.

  • Attend a class or consult with a tutor or teacher

Getting aid from someone competent to teach you is one of the finest methods to guarantee you learn the fundamental grammatical aspects of a language. 

  • Read grammar books and style guidelines

There are several style guides available that promote various approaches to grammar like English Honeydew NCERT Books Class 8, and it’s a good idea to read a few of them. This will give you an idea of how to approach spelling in different ways and show you where the language is malleable and where it isn’t.

  • Look for resources on the internet

In addition to library materials, the Internet has a wealth of grammatical games, courses, exercises, quizzes, and suggestions.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Even though they have completely distinct meanings, English contains several words that look, sound, and/or are written the same. These homographs, homophones, heteronyms, and homonyms generate a lot of confusion and lead to a lot of mistakes.

  1. Learn how to tell the difference between two words that are similar but have different meanings. Remembering these typical blunders can assist you in avoiding them.
  2. Use correct punctuation. Punctuation errors might cause the meaning you’re attempting to express to be muddled or lost. Many punctuation problems can occur in English, including run-on sentences, which occur when no punctuation is used to separate different clauses in the same phrase. This may be fixed by using a semicolon or a period to separate the independent clauses.
  3. Use of quote marks incorrectly, which should only be used to show that you are directly quoting someone. Comma splices are when separate clauses in a sentence are connected by a comma but not by a coordinating conjunction. 
  4. Use the active voice to express yourself. The subject of an active construction is the object that acts whereas the subject of a passive construction is the item that is acted upon by an outside source. While the passive voice has no inherent flaws, it is less strong and can lead to ambiguity in statements. As a result, you should use the active voice more frequently, although it’s fine to use the passive voice occasionally, especially to stress a point.
  5. Make correct use of reflexive pronouns. Myself, yourself, and other reflexive pronouns are examples. These pronouns can be used in both reflexive and intense contexts. When the object of a sentence is the same as the subject, reflexive pronouns are only employed as the object. Intensive pronouns are employed to emphasise a statement and to confirm that the activity was performed by the subject. 
  6. Remember that if the pronoun can be removed from the sentence and the sentence still makes sense, the pronoun is being used intensively. It’s being used reflexively if the pronoun can’t be eliminated without changing the sense of the statement.


Taking extra steps to improve one’s grammar may help students of all ages. If you use the approaches outlined above on a regular basis, you will see a significant improvement in your grammatical abilities. Adding new terms to your writing vocabulary is one of the simplest methods to improve your present English. 

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