Infertility is a rising issue in the world currently. Many young men and women are facing issues with conception and are making them wonder why they are unable to have children. Not just young couples, some parents who try for their second or third child may also face infertility after having no problems with their first conception.

In many cases, there is usually some explanation as to why the couple is unable to conceive even after trying without contraceptives. Infertility treatment centers are now on the rise as more and more couples are seeking treatment for their issues.

Gynecologists and infertility specialists are the kind of doctors that one must consult to help them solve male and female infertility. In many cases, there may be no real causes for the couple’s infertility which is termed as ‘unexplained infertility.

Infertility Treatment is a long and tedious journey, but with the right support and the right infertility treatment procedures, many couples have made the impossible task of having children possible. In many cases, they become completely fertile as well and have no problems conceiving the next couple of times as well.

All of these things depend on what has primarily caused infertility in the couple and how it can be fixed. There are many procedures and treatments that a couple can undergo and it all starts with the simple parameters of understanding one’s own health.

What causes infertility?

Infertility can be caused by not one but a combination of reasons, both from the male and the female side. Some of the most common factors are mentioned below:

1. Poor Egg Quality

The egg may have poor quality and may be disfigured or have poor morphology and therefore not be able to fertilize.

2.Poor Semen Quality

The male partner may have less than needed active sperms or may have inactive or poor morphology sperms that are incapable of fertilizing the egg.

3. Blocks in Fallopian Tubes

The egg may not be able to reach the uterus post-implantation due to blocks in the fallopian tubes, therefore, causing miscarriages in the early stages.

4. Weak Uterus

The uterus may be weak and may not be able to sustain a pregnancy. This may cause repeated miscarriages in women and therefore still be called infertility

5. Lifestyle and Health factors

Issues such as diabetes, thyroid, obesity, autoimmune disease, PCOS, and many other conditions can cause infertility in men and women

Treatments for Infertility

Infertility can be treated with a lot of techniques but the most common methods that are used are:

1. IUI – Intrauterine Insemination

IUI is the least invasive method in which the washed and prepared sperms of the male partner are directly introduced into the uterus for fertilization. Many couples can opt to do this procedure at home, known as at-home insemination, which results in fewer costs associated with going to a clinic.

2. IVF – In-Vitro fertilisation

IVF is done where the specialist brings together the egg and the sperm in a culture and then transfers them to the uterus

3. IVM – In-Vitro Maturation

IVM requires the egg to be collected and matured outside the ovaries with hormonal stimulation and is then injected with the partner’s sperm. This culture is then transferred to the uterus

4. Assisted Hatching

Assisted hatching involves the usage of laser beams to rupture the protein layer of the embryo that is created by IVF and then transferring it to the uterus so that it can attach to the uterine wall

5. Blastocyst Transfer

The embryo post-fertilization is developed in the lab in a culture and is ensured to mature in the lab where the cell division can take place and is then transferred to the uterus for further growth.

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