Important tips for writing an opinion essay

The main purpose of the case study is to examine complex issues in real-life applications and case study writing is to understand the cause and effect relationship influenced by several factors. The three key components of case study writing are a problem, a solution, and the results.

You can follow these seven tips when writing a great case study that will lead to great deals.

Have realistic goals

A case study is little more than a tool either for self-motivated prospects to research your company or for sales professionals to use for convincing prospects to convert. Audiences who are serious about becoming your customers are the most likely ones to respond to them, which is a smaller and more qualified audience over the general audience.

Therefore, work within goals and do not become disappointed if a case study blog post does not perform quite as well as your best content.

Determine your motivating angle

The stronger your angle, the more compelling your story is and the better the story, the more engaging your case study will be.

Try finding an interesting customer for the next case study. What are the uses of your products or services? Do you have any customers who use your business for solving unusual or difficult problems? Be creative when looking for someone who can serve as your inspiration for your next case study.

Ensure your case study relates to all prospects

A good case study features an interesting angle, but a majority of your target market needs to identify with it as well.

What you are promoting is your angle. However, to get all prospects to relate to the problems encountered by your case study’s protagonist as well as identify with them, you need to cater to your core demographics and your target markets and deal with problems overwhelmingly faced by your customers.

Follow the classic narrative arc

The narratives in your case study should be divided into three parts:

Act i: Introduce the client: This section should be between 200 and 300 words in length, not too long to discourage casual readers, but just enough and clear to the reader to know what is happening and so as to not make any mistakes.

Act ii. Present the solution. Before going into greater depth about how the client used your ideas, go over briefly with the reasons why your client sought your products. Direct quotes from the client are often included in this section, and it is usually a benefit-driven section.

Act iii: Make sure you include the hard data in your case study. If you are able, include statistics to prove that using the product has been beneficial for the featured client.

Illustrate key points with data

A case study is a narrative, so you should not rely on anecdotes and whimsy for convincing reasons. The cold, hard data is should be your preferred tool when writing your case study, keep a close emphasis on it.

The data you use should reflect events that your protagonist faced in Act I if possible. For instance, it may be possible to demonstrate this by increasing click-through rates, which are easily obtainable through data and charts.

Present your business as a supporting character

The right customer may appear as the hero of your story, but you are likely to see your organization (or your products or services) as an equal competitor. Instead, think of your company as an important supporting character in this story.

If you want the reader to envision himself/herself as the protagonist of the case study, avoid talking on how awesome your company and/or product area. In addition, adopt a humble tone to help you become more credible in the eyes of your reader.

Allow the clients to tell their own stories

It is your job as the storyteller to craft a captivating narrative about how your featured client triumphed by using of your product or service, but at the same time, let the protagonist speak for himself.

Telling your client’s story in his own words excellently, show cases his opinions. Including your clients perspective not only provide support for your analysis but also breaks up your description. A similar approach also allows you to reveal more about your protagonist in an almost interview-like format, slowly drawing the reader into using a similar technique.


You may not be privy to what’s the most exciting kind of content that you’ll find, but case studies could be among the most effective. Different businesses have different styles, formats, and tones, which means that no case study will be alike. A common goal shared by most marketing case studies is to convince prospects to do business with you, if the task of writing a case study seems overwhelming, a case study writer might come in handy.

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