How to write a resume for a job

Most modern companies ask for a resume when applying for a job. Usually it is required at the initial stage of selection, so that the recruiter can assess whether it is worth paying attention to this candidate. A resume says a lot about work experience, literacy, the ability to present oneself, even dedication and desire to work in a particular company. At first glance, it seems simple to fill out a resume. However, there are many nuances worth paying attention to. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a resume correctly. You can also seek professional help from the resume editing service. A good resume is the key to your success.

What is a resume and what is it for

A resume is a short self-presentation. A document containing basic information about the place of work, skills, education, courses taken. To be completed in writing or printed form. The second option is more preferable, as it looks neat, and it is more convenient for the employer to study it.

The resume can be taken in person or sent by email. Each company has its own requirements for candidates, which should be studied in advance. This includes:

  • Professional skills.
  • Requirements for the level of education.
  • The ability to work overtime, travel on business.
  • How competent the candidate is to occupy the desired position. Will he have enough experience?
  • Are the personal characteristics appropriate to work in the chosen specialty?

Therefore, you need to understand how to write a resume so that the likelihood of getting a position is the greatest. To make it easier for the recruiter to navigate the characteristics of the applicant, the resume is filled out according to certain rules. There are also generally accepted requirements that it is advisable to adhere to.

Resume rules

A resume is an effective and easy way of self-promotion, but it shouldn’t be too creative and shouldn’t contain a lot of praise of its own. Some controversial facts of the biography should be excluded. The main goal is to draw the employer’s attention to your candidacy. The inclusion of inappropriate, redundant, conflicting information can lead to the fact that the employee’s candidacy will be rejected. Serious companies, as a rule, have a negative attitude to deviations from generally accepted resume rules. An exception is a vacancy for a creative specialty.

There are three basic rules to follow:

  • Accuracy – there should be no corrections, mistakes, hard-to-read handwriting.
  • Brevity – The recruiting manager wants to see basic information about the applicant, and not try to isolate the main thing from a large amount of unnecessary text.
  • Truthfulness – It is unacceptable to include false information – many facts are now easy to verify.

When writing a resume, you should adhere to a clear structure. Solid text will not work. The employer should easily find any data: surname, work experience, education, personal qualities. If the resume is printed on a computer, then it is worth highlighting separate blocks. For these purposes, bold type is suitable.

Recommended resume size

It makes no sense to make a resume that is too voluminous. In terms of volume, no more than four typewritten pages are recommended. This is due to the fact that a large number of candidates pass through the recruiting manager. At the first stage, he must choose the most suitable ones. At the next stages, information is clarified, skills are tested, and an additional interview is conducted. An abundance of unnecessary information can lead to the fact that the resume will simply not be read.

However, the document should not consist of several lines. In this case, the employer will not be able to understand what the candidate really can do. People who are just starting their professional path have a weak resume. In this case, you need to describe our skills to the maximum, any courses taken. You should include the most important information for a specific job and company.

Resume structure

Writing a resume in a specific structure ensures that all the necessary information is communicated to a potential employer:

  • Contacts, personal data. The point is important, as the employer should easily find how he will contact the applicant.
  • The purpose of the resume – in this case, the position for which the applicant plans to get is indicated.
  • Key skills and achievements.
  • Work experience, job responsibilities.
  • Education, courses, professional development.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages. Some companies require this skill.
  • Computer skills.
  • Section “About me”: personal qualities, hobbies and interests.

Knowing how to properly compose a resume for a job, the applicant can create an effective self-presentation and take the vacant position without any problems. We recommend creating a linkedin profile writer service.

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