It's Getting Hot in Here: How to Keep Your House Cool

Are you ready for summer weather? If so, you’re certainly not alone.

After all, it’s been a rather long and miserable winter for most of us, so the sunshine and warmth of the summer months is just what the doctor ordered. That means it’s almost time to get outside and enjoy all of your favorite outdoor activities.

Summer also means keeping your house nice and cool on the inside while things are heating up outside. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for help.

This article takes a look at how to keep your house cool when it’s hot outside. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on ways to keep your house cool so that you and your family can have the best summer ever.

Change Your HVAC Air Filter

Let’s start with the basics. One of the easiest and least expensive ways to keep your energy costs to a minimum is to change your air filter. That’s because the air circulating through your home will only be as clean and cool as the air passing through the HVAC.

Keep in mind that the harder your HVAC unit has to work, the less effective it will be. Fortunately, you can purchase air filters at any local hardware store for a few dollars, enabling you to keep several on hand. The best strategy is to change out your air filter every four to six weeks regardless of the season.

Get Your HVAC Unit Serviced

It’s also a smart idea to schedule a service appointment from HVAC repair Las Vegas for your HVAC unit at least once a year. A trained heating/cooling technician will have the experience and knowledge needed to notice potential problems with your unit, make repairs as needed, ensure that your unit will keep your home nice and cool no matter how hot the temperature gets during the summer.

Upgrade Your HVAC Unit

You might also want to consider investing in a new high-efficiency HVAC unit.

Why is this important? Well, your HVAC unit was designed to last forever, therefore it will eventually wear out. This is especially true if you own an older home with an old model AC unit.

A newer model high-efficiency unit will provide several important benefits. For starters, it will save money on your monthly energy bill because it will use less energy, even during the summer when you’ll be running it more. This is also great for the environment because of the reduced energy usage.

A newer unit will also be quieter and cool your home more efficiently.

Close Your Window Blinds

Another easy and effective way to keep your home cooler during the hottest months of the year is to keep your blinds closed. After all, this helps keep warm sunlight out of the house.

You might enjoy the sunlight, but it actually warms your home unnecessarily. Plus, it’s just such a simple and straightforward way to reduce your energy bill. The key is to invest in quality blinds or curtains, and then keep them closed during the warmest hours of the day.

This is especially important in rooms where the windows received lots of direct sunlight. You’ll quickly discover that your HVAC unit doesn’t have to run nearly as much to keep your home cooled to the desired temperature.

Here’s a resource where you can learn about your HVAC condenser.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Have you taken a look at your thermostat lately? After all, the thermostat on the wall is the brain of your heating/cooling system. This means that when your thermostat stops working as intended, you will be unable to effectively control the temperature inside your home.

You can purchase a quality programmable thermostat at any home improvement store. A digital thermostat gives you full control over your HVAC system, enabling you to program the temperature settings for various times of the day as well as various days of the week.

Install Ceiling Fans In Every Room

It’s no secret that ceiling fans are great for keeping your house cool. Even if you have a quality AC system, that cool air probably needs a little help moving throughout your home. Ceiling fans with remote controls are the perfect tool for this. They push the air around, helping to distribute the cool air much more effectively.

This is one of the best investments you can make. In fact, installing ceiling fans in as many of your rooms as possible will actually help the HVAC operate more efficiently, thus reducing your monthly energy costs.

Install Energy-Efficient Windows

Now let’s take a look at your windows. This is especially important for owners of older homes. It’s important to keep in mind that as windows age, they become much less effective at insulating your home from outside temperatures.

New energy-efficient windows will prevent hot air from outside from entering your home and causing it to warm up. This might seem like a major expense, and yet it will actually reduce your energy costs and help keep the interior of your home as comfortable as possible.

Open the Air Registers In Every Room

Another easier way to keep your home cool is making sure the air registers in every room are open. That’s because the cool air from your AC unit won’t be able to properly circulate when these vents are kept closed.

The key is to take the time to inspect the air registers to make sure they are open. You’ll be surprised at how much difference this simple tip can make in keeping your home cool while helping to reduce energy costs.

Keep the Door Inside Your Home Open

It’s also a good idea to keep the interior doors throughout your home open. After all, this will allow the cool air in each room to circulate to other areas of the home more effectively.

A Homeowner’s Guide On How to Keep Your House Cool

There’s nothing better than staying comfortable inside your home when it’s hot out. Fortunately, these tips teach you how to keep your house cool throughout the year.

Keep exploring to discover more great lifestyle tips and advice on this blog.

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