Increasing domestic electricity prices are significantly driving up the cost of living everywhere. Moreover, higher utility bills stem from energy sources whose valuations are volatile and constantly rising. So, when you put this scenario together with the fact that electricity is now a vital component of daily life, you will come to the only conclusion left; that consumers now find themselves in-between a rock and a hard place. Consequently, the need to utilise any and all energy-saving measures available is now imperative.

One aspect that significantly impacts how well you can keep your utility costs low is the home’s energy efficiency. Adapting your household so that you can maximise on whatever energy you utilise will only be more beneficial to you, your pocket and the environment in the long run. Therefore, it may be advisable to take a closer look at components like skylights.

Skylights are more than an aesthetic addition. And while they can help you maximise the amount of natural light that filters into your home, thus giving it an airy feel, they also provide valuable energy-based benefits. Here is more detail on how you can make your home more energy-efficient with skylight installation.

More Light

Installing skylights allows more natural light into your home’s interior. Consequently, it decreases the need to use artificial light sources for adequate illumination.

There is one caveat to using skylights for more illumination-you have to position them strategically for maximum efficiency. The most advantageous positions are north and south-facing skylights. Both allow you to maximise sun exposure, while the ones oriented south also provide extra heat in the winter months.

Heating and Cooling

One of the primary sources of energy demand in the summer are air conditioners. When you use skylights as an alternative in different areas, you benefit from their ventilation and air circulation functions. Therefore, you can keep your home cool and airy while eliminating any present humidity. In addition, you also save money on the cost of electricity that your air conditioner uses.

Beyond cooling, skylights can also help with efficient home heating during the winter. This role stems from the materials used in their construction. Typical skylight construction utilises vinyl, fibreglass or wood for the framing and double-paned glass for the window. All of these, when put together, act as insulators that trap heat within the home, thus maintaining its warmth.

Mould Prevention

Dark and damp areas in your home provide the ideal environment for unsightly mould to grow. Unfortunately, once it appears, eliminating mildew is significantly cumbersome and costly. Mould removal may cost anywhere between $500 and $4000, depending on the coverage extent. So, preventing its formation is very beneficial.

Skylights help to prevent the appearance of mould by allowing greater air circulation through the home, which, in turn, reduces the amount of damp that may settle within the interior spaces.

Space Addition

Smaller spaces feel more closed-off and gloomy, thus creating a less than ideal aesthetic. On the other hand, opting for the construction of an extension creates chaos during the process while rendering your pockets much lighter. The more cost-friendly alternative to opening up your rooms lies in the addition of skylights. They create the feeling of having more space while allowing you to make your home more energy-efficient.

The energy efficiency benefits you derive from installing skylights stretch far beyond the obvious. Thus, you get to save money while allowing better airflow within your home, increasing the amount of daylight you receive and creating a better, more open aesthetic for a home that is just as energy-efficient as it is beautiful.

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