Pros and Cons of Taking Magnesium Complex

Magnesium is an extremely important nutrient in people’s lives. But, when it comes to day-to-day diets, some people tend to fall short in their intake of magnesium. So there are options, like magnesium complex. But it is important to know the benefits and risks of taking them. Read on to learn more.

Pro: Taking a Magnesium Supplement May Help To Lower Risks For Certain Conditions

If you take magnesium complex, you could help reduce your chances of having high blood pressure, heart disease, or osteoporosis. That could also help with sleep and muscle recovery. Maintaining your health with proper exercise and nutrition including a supplement such as Magnesium Complex would probably benefit your overall health and in turn may significantly minimize future health care costs.

Con: You Have To Be Careful About Interactions With Medication 

While you may not have to worry about magnesium intake in foods, you should always speak with your doctor before you start taking any supplements. One important factor to discuss would if the particular supplement would have an adverse impact based on your current medications or medical history.

Pro: You Could Have Much Improved Exercise Recovery and Sleep

Having things like leg cramps in the middle of the night can make sleeping tough. Once you have walked off the cramp, it can be hard to get back to sleep. So you suffer the next day because you are tired. Taking magnesium complex could possibly help you there, since it has properties that can relax your muscles while you sleep or exercise. You will likely be able to go to sleep or work out in a much better frame of mind knowing that the chances of cramping are much lower.

Con: You Could Have Side Effects

There are a lot of medications and supplements that can cause side effects. Some people may experience diarrhea and stomach cramps from taking a magnesium supplement. It tends to happen more often for people taking pure Magnesium Oxide. One way to possibly avoid these side effects is to take a magnesium supplement with Magnesium Glycinate that tends to minimize the chances of getting diarrhea and stomach cramps. Ultimately, if it turns out that you do not respond well to it, then you should always seek out foods that will give you the daily servings of magnesium. These foods include whole grains, nuts, seeds, milk, yogurt, and leafy vegetables among others.

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