Top 5 Reasons Of Choosing Android App Development

One of the most successful operating systems is the brainchild of Google Corporation – Google Android. And developers tirelessly conquer the market for it. Only in 2011, devices based on this OS beat the popularity rating, significantly ahead of Apple. If you choose the target platform for your mobile app or game, you only have two options. iOS and Android have been the main mobile operating systems since the advent of smartphones, and it’s too early to talk about a change in that situation. For the best app development service click here & get a perfect application for your business.

Targeted Budget

The development of advantages of android application is now relevant in a variety of business areas. Both for internal corporate use and for providing services to clients. Application ideas come up in huge numbers. But how to make sure that the result does not become a disappointment? As with any business, creating a android mobile application development requires a competent and meaningful approach. Throughout the entire path from the moment the idea of ​​a mobile application was conceived to its presentation to the end consumer. Each customer is faced with a huge number of questions that require careful thought. Making the right decisions at all stages of development can guarantee the success of your application. Experts can adapt the budget to a specific request.

Usage Across Different Devices

There is only one device running on Apple’s operating system – the iPhone. And all the variety is created by last year’s models. If you choose an Android smartphone, you will see thousands of models from the most budgetary options to flagships with top-end features. And there are unique solutions (for example, a pen in Samsung Galaxy Note).

If you look at a dozen iPhones of all sorts of different owners, all that will distinguish them from each other is the wallpaper on the desktop and the list of applications. This is where all the customization possibilities end. If we take any Android smartphone, then we have a huge field for self-expression:

Social Media integration

Among mobile platforms, iOS and Android are the most fortunate in terms of the release of official client applications for social networks. For them all major social networks have released their own applications. Also, the plans of the official developers usually include the creation of client applications for Windows Phone 7. But other platforms are somewhat less fortunate. The platforms, which are listed above, are developing actively. Most of the uasers use the Internet with the help of mobile devices.

Freedom: Open Source

Android is a mobile operating system from Google and it would be logical to assume the perfect integration of all its services in this system. The way it is! Yes, you can install almost any Google app on your iPhone, but you still don’t get the same convenience as on Android.

For example, if you have two-factor authentication configured (confirmation of login to gmail or any other Google service by phone), then on the iPhone you will have to confirm the login with sms or a call each time. If your device is on Android, no phone confirmation is needed. Using applications and services from other developers, where login with a Google account is supported, will also be more comfortable on Android (the authorization process itself is faster and more convenient).

Easy to customize

Widgets by Dataxdev have always been one of the main external differences between Android and iOS devices. Widgets are small applications that appear right on the desktop, next to icons. They do not need to be run separately – they run all the time, displaying important information.

It is enough to unlock the device and you can immediately see the current weather, the to-do list for today, the number of steps taken, or even the key indicators of your business (if it is related to online):

Also, you cannot download any application / game from the Internet. For Android, there are many different sites, forums, catalogs with applications that are not officially in the Play Store (Google’s app store).

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