Sleep ergonomics is a relatively common term. You see people around you talking about it a lot. But what does it mean?

In simplest terms, sleep ergonomics means our postures and positions while we sleep. Now, these postures could depend on a  variety of factors like comfort sleep mattresses or pillows, some physical disability, and the list goes on and on. Through this article, we will look into the nitty-gritty of this entire concept. Read on!

The Position That Reduces Back Pain

Do you know how common it is to have back pain due to the wrong sleeping position? And the effects of such poor quality sleep are immense on the body and mind. The top position to sleep in is on your side.

If this is the position that you generally sleep in, kudos! You can also draw your legs up towards your chest and try to put a pillow between your legs. It helps the entire alignment!

You will also find many people who use a full-length pillow trying to maintain balance in this sleep position. A suggestion would be not putting a lot of weight on your rams.

Doing so can act negatively on your body. You may feel circulatory issues and pain and needles sensation. A thing you can try is to cross your arms in a framed position. In case of any tingling, you should talk to a chiropractor about the reasons and recovery options.

What to Do if You Sleep on Your Back or Stomach

On the other hand, if you sleep on your back, you may place a pillow under your knees so that the normal back curvature is maintained correctly. You can also try putting a small rolled towel before the small of the back for additional support.

You should know that sleeping on your stomach is not a good way to start your night. It is not suitable for your back, and this position means your cervical spine will be under immense pressure. It further causes nerve compression, muscle pain, and muscular imbalance.

If no way suits you, try to lower the strain on the back by putting a pillow on the pelvis and lower abdomen. You can also place a pillow below the head to not experience any back strain. Sleeping without a head pillow is a great option as well.

The Right Mattresses and Pillows

Comfort sleep mattresses and pillows are some of the most significant make-or-break factors in getting a  good night of sleep. These objects support the body in its natural position to get proper rest and recover from the day’s activities.

The best quality mattresses are generally created according to the human spine’s natural curve and perfectly align the body. This is the bare minimum, post that you can choose beds from a world of options and types.

The mattress or pillow that you choose should work the best for you. Find a firm mattress to keep your spine in a side-lying stance. Moreover, it should be soft enough that your skin is comfortable and not irritated.

A very firm mattress or pillow can irritate the bony parts of the hips and shoulders, leading to pain and aches.

Sleep Ergonomics might seem like a simple concept, but it indeed isn’t. A lot goes into what you call a ‘perfect sleeping position’. It is really essential that you try to attain it to be in the pink of health and avoid any medical issues.

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