When it comes to child custody, there are three types: legal, physical, and sole. Each type of custody has its own benefits and drawbacks, which is why it’s important to understand the differences before making a decision.

Let’s take a closer look at the types of child custody. Continue reading below!

Joint Physical Custody

There are two types of joint custody: “joint legal” and “joint physical”. Joint legal custody is when parents decide together on decisions such as medical treatment, education, and religion. This type of custody also includes the right to access either parent’s personal records regarding their child.

Joint physical custody is where each joint physical custody parent has their child for a substantial amount of time. For example, if one of them usually works from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, the other parent would have the child from 3pm on Friday to 9am on Monday.

Sole Child Custody (Physical)

Sole physical child custody is when one parent has the right to take care of the children. They cannot live with anyone else without permission from that parent or a court order allowing it.

Often in sole physical custody, custodians are granted joint legal custody. That means that both parents are allowed to make decisions about their child’s life together.

They’ll also create a visitation schedule to keep up the children’s relationships with their other parent and extended family members.

Joint Child Custody (Legal)

In certain cases, parents can agree to legal custody between them. It gives both parents the right to make major decisions about their children’s lives. This is called joint or shared legal custody.

Joint custody does not automatically result in physical or residential custody. In many cases, it will be arranged for one parent to have primary physical custody while the other parent has visitation rights.

Split Parental Responsibility

After parents divorce, it can become a situation in which one parent feels excluded from decisions that affect their child.

Although every state has its own family laws regarding this topic, the majority of states follow a concept called “joint parental responsibility.” In this scenario, both parents are responsible for making important decisions regarding their child’s education, health, and religious upbringing.

Are you going through a divorce? If so, visit the Amicable Divorce website to get information on your divorce options and more.

Understanding the Various Types of Child Custody

It may seem daunting to determine what child custody option is best for your family. But with this guide, you are now armed with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Your choice should work best for the parents and children.

If you’re still unsure about which type of arrangement is right for your situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to experts who can walk you through all of your options! So, which types of child custody do you think would be best?

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