What Is Burnout

Do you feel emotionally drained, no longer invested in your work, and occasionally question your career choices? Is your love for your job slowly slipping away, and you feel powerless to stop it? You may be experiencing burnout – the final stage of poorly managed work-related stress.
They say all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. The adage hits the nail on the head. When you’re constantly working and never taking a break, you’ll eventually deplete all your energy and experience burnout.
Burnout affects not only workplace productivity but also your physical and mental health. Therefore, it’s crucial to take actionable steps to recover before it gets worse. For some people, this involves mental therapy, self-care practices, or a much-needed vacation.
Find out what works for you and do that.

How to Deal with Burnout

Work burnout is often a result of poorly managed workplace stress. The responsibility of preventing it solely lies on managers because employees have little to no power to change the workplace environment. A good manager will be able to identify the signs early enough and intercede.
Besides, they’ll create a favorable work environment that ensures every employee has a reasonable workload and ample time to recharge.
However, you can experience burnout even if you don’t have a regular 9 to 5 job. For instance, stay-at-home moms juggle numerous responsibilities and forget to take a break. If this goes on for long, they can experience burnout.
Don’t let it get to this. The following tips will help you avoid burnout as a mom or employee and deal with it if you’re already experiencing the symptoms.

Recognize the Signs

The first thing you need to do is to recognize the signs of burnout. It’s easy to confuse work burnout or another “type” of burnout with lack of motivation or being in a funk. However, if you know the signs to look for, you’ll be better positioned to take actionable steps to recover.
The key burnout symptoms to watch out for include:
● Diminished pride in your work
● Difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness
● Losing sight of your goals and yourself
● Difficulty being present and maintaining relationships
● Frustration and irritability
● Fatigue
● Insomnia
● Muscle tension

Burnout may also affect your performance at work, keep you from enjoying your hobbies, and increase your risk of health concerns. Therefore, once you’ve identified two or more of these signs, it’s crucial to take the necessary steps to recover.

Explore Contributing Factors

It’s impossible to make changes when you don’t know the source of the problem. In most cases, burnout is a result of increased work stress. However, you can also experience it due to the following reasons:
● Relationship problems
● Rigorous academic schedule
● Caring for a loved one with a chronic condition
Sometimes, burnout happens from juggling too much on your own. For instance, a single parent who’s trying to raise a family, work, take online classes, and stay on top of personal development is bound to bend too much to the point of burnout. Therefore, identify your trigger, and you’re well on your way to a path of recovery.

Identify Immediate Changes You Can Make

Once you’ve confirmed that you’re experiencing symptoms of burnout and you know the cause, the next step is to identify changes you can make to fix the problem. For instance, if your burnout is work-related, find ways to ease the burden. Accept that doing everything on your own isn’t realistic.
While it may seem like a good idea because you’ll have control of the outcome, it’s not. At some point, you’ll deplete your energy and won’t be able to accomplish anything. So, teach yourself how to delegate some tasks to your team. Take a vacation if you need one. Reduce the items on your to-do list – anything to give you a break and begin your recovery process.

Open Up to People You Can Trust

Sometimes, sorting through burnout and trying to find solutions only makes you feel overwhelmed. Don’t pressure yourself to find a quick fix for the problem. Something as simple as talking to a close relative or friend also goes a long way in helping you find a possible solution.
The right support system will help you uncover other causes of your burnout you may not be aware of because they’re close enough to understand what works for you and also far enough to view the situation with clarity.
Besides, opening up lifts the weight off your shoulders and helps you know that you’re not alone. Chances are your friends have gone through the same thing, and they’ll help you get through it.

Take Back Control

When you’re experiencing emotional burnout, and it seems like it was caused by external factors you have little to no control over, the situation can get worse. You’ll often feel overwhelmed, powerless, and afraid to venture into the world because you feel even more drained as days go by.
However, even when the situation is out of your control, you can still put yourself first and regain control. For instance, if your boss is continually overworking you and giving you impossible deadlines, put your foot down. Remind them of what your contract stipulates about work hours, never work after hours, and be firm with your needs.

Go Easy on Yourself

Experiencing burnout can make you feel like a failure. You’ll begin questioning your ability to handle your career responsibilities, your family, or your goals. This is a sign that you’ve pushed yourself too far and should take a break. Remind yourself that you’re not perfect and that it’s okay to have bad days.
Recovering from burnout also doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, if you’re not making the strides you hoped you would after making changes, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take one day at a time, and when things don’t work out, try again another day.

Learn to Say No

One of the primary causes of burnout is accepting too many commitments and not being able to say no to people. You’re the “yes man” at work, and everyone knows it. Therefore, they pile up more and more tasks on your desk because they know you’ll always go above and beyond to get it done.

Your friends and relatives also know this. Therefore, you easily get into commitments that take too much of your time even when you don’t have any to spare. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to learn how to say no.
It may be hard at first, but the more you do it, the better you’ll be at it. When people know they can’t take advantage of you, they’ll start respecting your boundaries more.

Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried everything from eating healthy food to adopting healthy sleep habits and nothing seems to work, it may be time to see a therapist. A professional will help you get to the root of the problem and provide the right tools to cope and recover. Besides, they provide a safe space to open up without fear of judgment.

According to CNN news find a mental health professional that meshes well with your needs and has experience with burnout-related issues. Calmerry therapists can walk with you through different life struggles to ensure you live your best life right in the comfort of your home.

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