If you have an overbite and are looking for a solution, then the question of which is better Invisalign vs. Braces may be on your mind. Both options can correct an overbite problem but there are some key differences between them that need to be considered before making your decision.

One big difference is how long it takes to see results with each option – with Invisalign typically being faster than braces. The other main difference is cost – as Invisalign tends to be cheaper than braces because they last longer. So if speed and money are important factors in your decision, consider choosing Invisalign as a more viable option for correcting your overbite issue.

Here are a few reasons why you should choose Invisalign over braces to correct an overbite:

  1. Invisalign takes less time.

How long your treatment lasts will ultimately determine how much you pay for it. If you opt for braces then you will need to be in treatment for between two and three years, sometimes longer if there are other problems that also need correcting.

However, with Invisalign, the typical range is six to 18 months (this varies depending on individual circumstances). That may not sound like a big difference but it can save an average of over $2000. Plus the shorter duration means you’ll feel like your teeth are straighter and the overbite issue is resolved quicker, which can help boost your confidence too.

  1. Invisalign is more discreet and fashion-forward.

Traditional clear braces are certainly not the most fashionable dental appliance in the world – plus they can be pretty visible at times too especially when your mouth is closed. And if you have ever been self-conscious about wearing them, you will know just how much of a confidence boost it would be to have a straighter smile without braces being in full view all of the time!

In comparison, patients who choose Invisalign report feeling more confident because their teeth become straight but discretely. Also, many people who wear Invisalign often go unnoticed until they remove their aligners to eat or speak.

  1. Invisalign is cheaper.

As mentioned earlier, if you opt for braces then the average cost of treatment can range from around $6000 to $10000. This is because it covers several visits every year to the orthodontist over a number of years.

On the other hand, Invisalign costs between $1000 and $2000 on average, so it offers better value for money than braces. The way it works means there are fewer visits to the orthodontist during your treatment timeframe, which helps reduce your overall cost.

  1. Invisalign can be removed during certain activities like eating and drinking

This benefit of choosing Invisalign may seem unimportant but there are actually plenty of situations where this feature can come in very handy, such as:

  • During meals and snacks.
  • When you need to drink from a straw (such as if you have ongoing problems with your teeth or jaw).
  • At the movies or theater.

In fact, one of the main benefits of Invisalign is that they can be removed and replaced without disrupting the treatment. Plus it also offers flexibility because you can remove them whenever you like – such as for an important job interview!

Final words

When it comes to straighter teeth, Invisalign for overbite is a proven and cost-efficient alternative to traditional braces. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your overbite then you should consider how Invisalign can help improve your self-confidence without compromising on time or money.

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