Wedding planning can be an exciting experience for many but also a very stressful one. One reason why it can cause so much stress is because of how pricey it can be to have a wedding. From hiring a photographer to choosing a great venue and more, there are so many details to consider when getting married that the price tag can sometimes be incredibly high. Here are a few ways you can spend less money on a wedding:

Spend less on your bridal wear

From the shoes to your gown, even what you wear can significantly impact the price you pay for your wedding. While the dress is a huge part of the wedding, there are many things you can do to cut down on costs. For example, consider wedding flats that are actually comfortable for a long day on your feet instead of wearing the fanciest pair of heels—especially since they may not even be seen under the dress.

Additionally, you may not even have to spend any money on your wedding dress. If your mother or grandmother still has their wedding dress, you could get a local seamstress to fit it to your size. This way, you look stunning on your wedding day, while remembering someone you hold dear.

Celebrate on an “off” day

Many people organize events or their weddings on the weekend. This makes sense since it’s typically when most of your guests are off of work. However, with enough warning and preparation, your guests may be able to get some time off to attend your wedding if you host it on a weekday. This will help you cut down on venue costs.

You don’t have to invite everyone you’ve ever known

Another aspect of a wedding that results in very high costs is the number of people you invite. Remember, you don’t have to invite the people you know from high school or relatives you hardly speak to. While you may feel like you owe people you know an invitation, the reality is that it’s YOUR special day. So, the only people you should be concerned about are you, your new spouse, and the people closest to you.

With the pandemic, it’s easier to get away with keeping the guest list short, so take advantage of this to plan a smaller wedding. Doing so can help keep more money in your pocket and allow you to splurge on your honeymoon.

Consider hosting at a unique venue

While a hotel or fancy wedding venue may be appealing, the venue will be a considerable expense in your wedding budget. If there is a way to spend less on your venue, you’ll be saving a ton of money. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box.

Do you have a loved one with a large home and garden? They may be more than willing to let you use it for the wedding. Do you have a favorite place in a local forest? You’ll already have a beautiful background, so why even worry about hosting a ceremony at a pricey venue with expensive décor?

Ask for help

You may have a crafty loved one who can help create the mementos for the guests or a friend who is an incredible baker. While you don’t want to take advantage of their talents and things they usually charge for, they may be more than willing to offer a discount to help make your day everything you want it to be. Another way to potentially find savings is using the online shopping cheat sheet. You can scan through the many offerings for coupon codes and promotional codes to see if anything on your list of wedding preperations can be discounted without losing quality.

In Conclusion

A wedding is an occasion that is more than worth investing in, but there are also ways to cut back on the costs. From the clothes you wear to the bridesmaid dresses to the place you wed at, take some time to consider the ways you can cut down your wedding budget. This way, you don’t have to spend a fortune.

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